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  • Lipedema is a chronic, incurable, often progressive affliction that occasionally causes significant morbidity. Initially, patients develop a disproportionate increase of body fat in the legs, buttocks and/or arms. Dieting and physical exercise have only limited effect on this disproportionate body fat distribution. The legs may be sensitive and are prone to bruising after only mild trauma. This can deteriorate into severe pain and reduced mobility, ultimately leading to a limitation of activity and social participation. As a result, lipedema patients may often be diagnosed with obesity. Dietary measures generally affect the obesity component but have little effect on the disproportionate body fat distribution. Because lipedema contributes to an increased BMI, even in non-­‐obese patients, a connection between lipedema and excessive calorie-­‐intake or obesity is often incorrectly assumed. In addition to physical problems, lipedema can also lead to psychoso-­‐ cial problems. These are often caused by the failure of consulting professionals to recognize or acknowledge the condition, or because (incorrect) recommendations for weight loss and physical exercise do not contribute to improvements in the complaints. Therefore, it is important to recognize lipedema early so that its accompanying symptoms can be acknowl-­‐ edged at an early stage and be incorporated into an integrated treatment. Little consistent information regarding the diagnosis or treatment of lipedema is found in the literature. Therefore, the goal of this directive is to attempt to establish a consensus for the diagnosis of lipedema and to discuss its symptoms and influencing factors, as well as its effects on activity and social limitations, as these negatively influence the life of the patient.

  • Chronic edema is a multifactorial condition affecting patients with various diseases. Although the pathophysiology of edema varies, compression therapy is a basic tenant of treatment, vital to reducing swelling. Clinical trials are disparate or lacking regarding specific protocols and application recommendations for compression materials and methodology to enable optimal efficacy. Compression therapy is a basic treatment modality for chronic leg edema; however, the evidence base for the optimal application, duration and intensity of compression therapy is lacking. The aim of this document was to present the proceedings of a day-long international expert consensus group meeting that examined the current state of the science for the use of compression therapy in chronic edema. An expert consensus group met in Brighton, UK, in March 2010 to examine the current state of the science for compression therapy in chronic edema of the lower extremities. Panel discussions and open space discussions examined the current literature, clinical practice patterns, common materials and emerging technologies for the management of chronic edema. This document outlines a proposed clinical research agenda focusing on compression therapy in chronic edema. Future trials comparing different compression devices, materials, pressures and parameters for application are needed to enhance the evidence base for optimal chronic oedema management. Important outcomes measures and methods of pressure and oedema quantification are outlined. Future trials are encouraged to optimize compression therapy in chronic edema of the lower extremities.

Last update from database: 3/27/25, 8:09 AM (UTC)


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