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High-quality three-dimensional (3D) microscopy allows detailed, unrestricted and non-destructive imaging of entire volumetric tissue specimens and can therefore increase the diagnostic accuracy of histopathological tissue analysis. However, commonly used IgG antibodies are oftentimes not applicable to 3D imaging, due to their relatively large size and consequently inadequate tissue penetration and penetration speed. The lack of suitable reagents for 3D histopathology can be overcome by an emerging class of single-domain antibodies, referred to as nanobodies (Nbs), which can facilitate rapid and superior 2D and 3D histological stainings. Here, we report the generation and experimental validation of Nbs directed against the human endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (hESAM), which enables spatial visualization of blood vascular networks in whole-mount 3D imaging. After analysis of Nb binding properties and quality, selected Nb clones were validated in 2D and 3D imaging approaches, demonstrating comparable staining qualities to commercially available hESAM antibodies in 2D, as well as rapid and complete staining of entire specimens in 3D. We propose that the presented hESAM-Nbs can serve as novel blood vessel markers in academic research and can potentially improve 3D histopathological diagnostics of entire human tissue specimens, leading to improved treatment and superior patient outcomes.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a common adipose tissue disorder affecting women, characterized by a symmetric subcutaneous adipose tissue deposition, particularly of the lower extremities. Lipedema is usually underdiagnosed, thus remaining an undertreated disease. Importantly, no histopathologic or molecular hallmarks exist to clearly diagnose the disease, which is often misinterpreted as obesity or lymphedema. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The aim of the present study is to characterize in detail morphologic and molecular alterations in the adipose tissue composition of lipedema patients compared with healthy controls. Detailed histopathologic and molecular characterization was performed using lipid and cytokine quantification as well as gene expression arrays. The analysis was conducted on anatomically matched skin and fat tissue biopsies as well as fasting serum probes obtained from 10 lipedema and 11 gender and body mass index-matched control patients. RESULTS: Histologic evaluation of the adipose tissue showed increased intercellular fibrosis and adipocyte hypertrophy. Serum analysis showed an aberrant lipid metabolism without changes in the circulating adipokines. In an adipogenesis gene array, a distinct gene expression profile associated with macrophages was observed. Histologic assessment of the immune cell infiltrate confirmed the increased presence of macrophages, without changes in the T-cell compartment. CONCLUSIONS: Lipedema presents a distinguishable disease with typical tissue architecture and aberrant lipid metabolism, different to obesity or lymphedema. The differentially expressed genes and immune cell infiltration profile in lipedema patients further support these findings.
Lymphatic vessels are lined by lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), and are critical for health. However, the role of metabolism in lymphatic development has not yet been elucidated. Here we report that in transgenic mouse models, LEC-specific loss of CPT1A, a rate-controlling enzyme in fatty acid β-oxidation, impairs lymphatic development. LECs use fatty acid β-oxidation to proliferate and for epigenetic regulation of lymphatic marker expression during LEC differentiation. Mechanistically, the transcription factor PROX1 upregulates CPT1A expression, which increases acetyl coenzyme A production dependent on fatty acid β-oxidation. Acetyl coenzyme A is used by the histone acetyltransferase p300 to acetylate histones at lymphangiogenic genes. PROX1-p300 interaction facilitates preferential histone acetylation at PROX1-target genes. Through this metabolism-dependent mechanism, PROX1 mediates epigenetic changes that promote lymphangiogenesis. Notably, blockade of CPT1 enzymes inhibits injury-induced lymphangiogenesis, and replenishing acetyl coenzyme A by supplementing acetate rescues this process in vivo.
- LF Funded (3)
- Lipedema (1)
- Original studies and data (2)
Resource type
- Journal Article (3)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2010 and 2019
- 2017 (1)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (2)
Between 2010 and 2019
Online resource
- no (3)