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Lipoedema has received increased attention in recent years. Overlaps with obesity sometimes make it difficult to differentiate. However, this is important for a differentiated targeted therapy. Definition and clinic Lipoedema is a painful, genetic, exces sive increase in adipose tissue on the extremities in women. This leads to a disproportion of the body. The first symptoms often manifest themselves in puberty, the course is usually progressive. Characteristic symptoms are pain at rest and pressure, tendency to hematoma, feelings of tension and swelling, rapid fatigue of the muscles and edema, which are inconsistent depending on the stage. 25–88 % of lipoedema patients suffer from obesity at the same time. Prevalence Depending on the study, 5–9.7 %, corresponding to 2–4 million women in Germany. Etiology Family disposition is obvious. Hormonal changes are trigger factors and suggest hormonal influences. In the tissue there is a slight chronic inflammation (silent inflammation), which explains the symptoms. Diagnosis The diagnosis is made clinically and must be distin guished from other fat distribution disorders. The BMI is not suitable. The waist circumference-size quotient (BCG = WHtR Waist to Height-Ratio) should be used. Therapy interdisciplinary therapeutic approach,which inaddi tion to conservative decongestion therapy, surgical therapy by liposuction also includes nutrition, exercise and psychotherapy.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a common chronic fat distribution disorder often aligned with pain and reduced quality of life affecting 6-10% of the female population. Although lipedema has acquired more scientific attention in the last decade, validated diagnosis and treatment still remain challenging for specialists. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this article we evaluate the effect of liposuction on appearance, pain and coexisting diseases of 860 patients with lipedema. Comparison among stages of lipedema pre- and post-liposuction was performed by using t-Tests for independent samples and Kruskal-Wallis-Tests. RESULTS: Our study demonstrates the positive effect on pain reduction in patients with lipedema after liposuction (NRS 2.24) compared with pre-liposuction pain perception (NRS 6.99) and pain perception of patients with conservative treatment (NRS 6.26). Significant differences were shown in the perception between the stages of lipedema and in the reduction of pain perception by liposuction. Furthermore we examined co-diseases in patients with lipedema, primarily menstruation complaints (43%), sleeplessness (36%) and migraine (35%). CONCLUSIONS: A progress of lipedema disease leads not only to a change of appearance and proportion but also to a progressive increase of pain. Liposuction shows a significant effect on pain reduction -independent of the patients' stage of lipedema.
Lipedema patients suffer not only from visual stigma but also reduction in their quality of life through pain and performance loss in daily life. In clinical practice, it is still difficult to reliably diagnose the disease. This study aims to provide further insights into the characteristics of lipedema patients of all stages and provide a baseline prior to surgery for a surgical treatment evaluation by means of patient-reported outcome measures. Methods: Patients completed a lipedema-specific questionnaire containing 50 items, the World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). The data were analyzed using SPSS statistics 27. Patients who had already received liposuction were excluded. Results: Five hundred and eleven patients were included, of whom 337 completed the PHQ9 and 333 completed the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaires. The general characteristics of lipedema patients, especially the daily symptoms, are described. Previous observations, such as the frequent occurrence of hypothyroidism and the low rate of type 2 diabetes, were confirmed. Over 49% suffer from severe impairments in their jobs, whereby the disease shows a familial accumulation. The results of the WHOQOL-BREF and the PHQ-9 suggest a high level of mental stress. Discussion: As surgical intervention in lipedema patients is gaining traction, its effects should be well-documented. Therefore, a comprehensive baseline needs to be established prior to surgical treatment. The psychological components are just as important as the inclusion of daily impairments.
Abstract Lipedema is a wide-spread disease with painful accumulations of subcutaneous fat in legs and arms. Often obesity co-occurs. Many patients suffer from impairment in mobility and mental health. Obesity and mental health in turn can be positively influenced by physical activity. In this study we aimed to examine the interrelations between pain and physical activity on mental health in lipedema patients. In total, 511 female lipedema patients (age M = 40.16 ± 12.45 years, BMI M = 33.86 ± 7.80 kg/m 2 ) filled in questionnaires measuring pain (10-point scale), physical activity (7 Items; units per week), and mental health (PHQ-9; WHOQOL-BREF with subscales mental, physical, social, environmental, and overall health). Response surface analyses were calculated via R statistics. Explained variance was high for the model predicting depression severity (R 2 = .18, p < .001) and physical health (R 2 = .30, p < .001). Additive incongruence effects of pain and physical activity on depression severity, mental, physical, and overall health were found (all p < .001). In our study, physical activity and pain synergistically influenced physical, mental, and overall health. Pain did not only lead to low mental health but also interfered with the valuable potential of engaging in physical activity in lipedema patients.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema, as a disabling and consequential disease, is gaining more awareness due to its potential omnipresence. Patients suffering from lipedema show a characteristic painful display of symmetric accumulations of adipose tissue. The combination of swelling, pain and decreased quality of life (QOL) is outstanding for the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of liposuction in terms of the QOL for patients and underline important factors of current and pending research regarding surgical therapy of lipoedema. METHODS: Patients suffering from lipedema prior to and after receiving liposuction at our hospital were included in this study. Patients completed a lipedema-specific self-designed 50 item questionnaire: the World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). A linear mixed model was used for outcome analysis. RESULTS: In total, 511 patients completed a questionnaire prior to the surgery at primary presentation to the hospital and a total number of 56 patients completed a questionnaire after liposuction. A total of 34 of these patients filled in both questionnaires prior to and after surgery. The general characteristics of the disease, such as daily symptoms and psychological health, pertinently improved after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Liposuction can have a general improving effect on the QOL of patients, both in private and professional life. Liposuction may currently be the most evident and promising method in the treatment of lipedema.
This S2k guideline was developed on the initiative and under the German Society of Phlebology and Lymphology (DGPL) leadership. The guideline aims to optimize the diagnosis and treatment of lipedema. It is intended to bring together the different approaches of the respective professional groups in a consensus-based manner and thus offer a basic concept for the best possible treatment of patients with lipedema. Sixty recommendations were formulated and agreed on in diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment options, psychosocial factors and self-management. The guideline is intended to reflect the current scientific knowledge and be widely used for diagnosis and treatment recommendations for patients with lipedema. In particular, the guideline comments on diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, and coinciding clinical pictures, their influence on diagnosis and treatment, sensible treatment measures, and self-management options. The lipedema guideline summarizes the current national and international evidence and the German expert consensus and derives recommendations for the best treatment for patients with lipedema. The recommendations in the guideline are intended as an orientation aid in the sense of action and decision-making corridors from which deviations are possible in justified cases.
- Lipedema (8)
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