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  • The most relevant hallmarks of cellulite include a massive protrusion of superficial adipose tissue into the dermis, reduced expression of the extracellular glycoprotein fibulin-3, and an unusually high presence of MUSE cells in gluteofemoral white adipose tissue (gfWAT) that displays cellulite. Also typical for this condition is the hypertrophic nature of the underlying adipose tissue, the interaction of adipocytes with sweat glands, and dysfunctional lymph and blood circulation as well as a low-grade inflammation in the areas of gfWAT affected by cellulite. Here, we propose a new pathophysiology of cellulite, which connects this skin condition with selective accumulation of endogenous lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in gfWAT. The accumulation of LPS within a specific WAT depot has so far not been considered as a possible pathophysiological mechanism triggering localized WAT modifications, but may very well be involved in conditions such as cellulite and, secondary to that, lipedema.

  • Lipedema is a poorly understood disorder of adipose tissue characterized by abnormal but symmetrical deposition of subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT) in proximal extremities. Here, we propose that the underlying cause for lipedema could be triggered by a selective accumulation of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS; also known as endotoxin) in gluteofemoral WAT. Together with a malfunctioning complement system, this induces low-grade inflammation in the depot and raises its uncontrollable expansion. Correspondingly, more attention should be paid in future research to the endotoxemia prevalent in patients with lipedema. We would like to propose that proper management of endotoxemia can reduce the progression and even improve the state of disease in patients with lipedema.

  • Lipoedema is associated with widespread adipose tissue expansion, particularly in the proximal extremities. The mechanisms that drive the development of lipoedema are unclear. In this Perspective article, we propose a new model for the pathophysiology of lipoedema. We suggest that lipoedema is an oestrogen-dependent disorder of adipose tissue, which is triggered by a dysfunction of caveolin 1 (CAV1) and subsequent uncoupling of feedback mechanisms between CAV1, the matrix metalloproteinase MMP14 and oestrogen receptors. In addition, reduced CAV1 activity also leads to the activation of ERĪ± and impaired regulation of the lymphatic system through the transcription factor prospero homeobox 1 (PROX1). The resulting upregulation of these factors could effectively explain the main known features of lipoedema, such as adipose hypertrophy, dysfunction of blood and lymphatic vessels, the overall oestrogen dependence and the associated sexual dimorphism, and the mechanical compliance of adipose tissue.

Last update from database: 12/4/24, 8:56 AM (UTC)


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