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  • Background: Despite its increasing incidence and prevalence throughout Western countries, lipedema continues to be a very enigmatic disease, often misunderstood or misdiagnosed by the medical community and with an intrinsic pathology that is difficult to trace. The nature of lipedemic tissue is one of hypertrophic adipocytes and poor tissue turnover. So far, there are no identified pathways responsible, and little is known about the cell populations of lipedemic fat. Methods: Adipose tissue samples were collected from affected areas of both lipedema and healthy participants. For single-cell RNA sequencing analysis, the samples were dissociated into single-cell suspensions using enzymatic digestion and then encapsulated into nanoliter-sized droplets containing barcoded beads. Within each droplet, cellular mRNA was converted into complementary DNA. Complementary DNA molecules were then amplified for downstream analysis. Results: The single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis revealed three distinct adipocyte populations at play in lipedema. These populations have unique gene signatures which can be characterized as a lipid generating adipocyte, a disease catalyst adipocyte, and a lipedemic adipocyte. Conclusions: The single-cell RNA sequencing of lipedemic tissue samples highlights a triad of distinct adipocyte subpopulations, each characterized by unique gene signatures and functional roles. The interplay between these adipocyte subtypes offers promising insights into the complex pathophysiology of lipedema.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed; despite an estimated prevalence of 10% in the overall female population, its cause is still unknown. There is increasing awareness of this condition, but its differential diagnosis can still be challenging. In this article, we summarize current hypotheses on its pathogenesis and the recommendations of current guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: This review is based on publications about lipedema that were retrieved by a selective search in the MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases. RESULTS: The pathophysiology of lipedema remains unclear. The putative causes that have been proposed include altered adipogenesis, microangiopathy, and disturbed lymphatic microcirculation. No specific biomarker has yet been found, and the diagnosis is currently made on clinical grounds alone. Ancillary tests are used only to rule out competing diagnoses. The state of the evidence on treatment is poor. Treatment generally consists of complex decongestive therapy. In observational studies, liposuction for the permanent reduction of adipose tissue has been found to relieve symptoms to a significant extent, with only rare complications. The statutory healthinsurance carriers in Germany do not yet regularly cover the cost of the procedure; studies of high methodological quality will be needed before this is the case. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of lipedema remains a challenge because of the hetero - geneous presentation of the condition and the current lack of objective measuring instruments to characterize it. This review provides a guide to its diagnosis and treatment in an interdisciplinary setting. Research in this area should focus on the elucidation of the pathophysiology of lipedema and the development of a specific biomarker for it.

  • Background: Complex decongestive therapy (CDT) is the standard and basic therapy for lymphedema. The central component of CDT is manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). In addition to CDT, other measures such as intermittent pneumatic compression therapy (IPCT) (active compression machine therapy) are available. In this prospective research study, the objective and subjective effects of MLD and IPCT on lymphedema of the lower extremity were investigated and both therapies were directly compared. Furthermore, the patients' body mass index (BMI) and stage of lymphedema were tested for their effect on the respective therapy. Methods: Patients participating in the study received both therapies (MLD and IPCT) on the same lymphedema-affected limb at an interval of two days. The objective volumetric therapy effect was measured by the digital volume measurement of the affected limb. The subjective effects of the therapies were measured using two specially designed questionnaires. Results: A total of 40 patients were included in the study. There was no significant difference in the volume differences between the interventions, BMI categories, lymphedema, or treatment order regarding the immediate and two-day effect. Conclusions: No significant difference was found in the subjective or objective therapy efficacy of the two methods. Intermittent pneumatic compression therapy is considered a comparable therapeutic procedure when properly indicated.

  • We conducted a comparative study involving 39 female patients with lipedema and group-matched controls at a ratio of 1:5. The primary survey tool was the German Health Update (GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS) questionnaire, which was developed by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany. The secondary survey tool was the German Pain Questionnaire. The prevalence of hypertension (p = 0.041) and high blood lipids (p = 0.024) was lower in the lipedema group compared to the control group. General health and well-being indicators demonstrated lower overall health ratings (p < 0.001) and higher physiotherapy use in patients with lipedema (p = 0.016). Mental health assessment revealed higher depression prevalence and severity (p = 0.001), together with a lower number of close contacts (p = 0.032). Furthermore, patients with lipedema experienced higher levels of pain (p < 0.001) and more significant pain-related disability in daily activities (p < 0.001) than controls. Correlation analysis among patients with lipedema showed a positive correlation between pain severity and depressive symptoms (ρ = 0.612, p < 0.001) and a moderate positive correlation with impaired health-related quality of life (ρ = 0.418, p = 0.010). In summary, our findings highlight significant differences in health and well-being between patients with lipedema and matched controls, especially in overall, metabolic, and mental health, as well as pain perception. The findings emphasize the need for a validated lipedema-specific questionnaire and a multidisciplinary treatment approach with a combination of physical therapies, lifestyle adjustments, and psychological strategies.

  • Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by disproportionate and symmetrical enlargement of adipose tissue, predominantly affecting the lower limbs of women. This study investigated the use of metabolomics in lipedema research, with the objective of identifying complex metabolic disturbances and potential biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and treatment strategies. The study group (n = 25) comprised women diagnosed with lipedema. The controls were 25 lean women and 25 obese females, both matched for age. In the patients with lipedema, there were notable changes in the metabolite parameters. Specifically, lower levels of histidine and phenylalanine were observed, whereas pyruvic acid was elevated compared with the weight controls. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the diagnostic accuracy of histidine, phenylalanine, and pyruvic acid concentrations in distinguishing between patients with lipedema and those with obesity but without lipedema revealed good diagnostic ability for all parameters, with pyruvic acid being the most promising (area under the curve (AUC): 0.9992). Subgroup analysis within matched body mass index (BMI) ranges (30.0 to 39.9 kg/m2) further revealed that differences in pyruvic acid, phenylalanine, and histidine levels are likely linked to lipedema pathology rather than BMI variations. Changes in low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-6 TG levels and significant reductions in various LDL-2-carried lipids of patients with lipedema, compared with the lean controls, were observed. However, these lipids were similar between the lipedema patients and the obese controls, suggesting that these alterations are related to adiposity. Metabolomics is a valuable tool for investigating lipedema, offering a comprehensive view of metabolic changes and insights into lipedema's underlying mechanisms.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)


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