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  • Background: Complex decongestive therapy (CDT) is the standard and basic therapy for lymphedema. The central component of CDT is manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). In addition to CDT, other measures such as intermittent pneumatic compression therapy (IPCT) (active compression machine therapy) are available. In this prospective research study, the objective and subjective effects of MLD and IPCT on lymphedema of the lower extremity were investigated and both therapies were directly compared. Furthermore, the patients' body mass index (BMI) and stage of lymphedema were tested for their effect on the respective therapy. Methods: Patients participating in the study received both therapies (MLD and IPCT) on the same lymphedema-affected limb at an interval of two days. The objective volumetric therapy effect was measured by the digital volume measurement of the affected limb. The subjective effects of the therapies were measured using two specially designed questionnaires. Results: A total of 40 patients were included in the study. There was no significant difference in the volume differences between the interventions, BMI categories, lymphedema, or treatment order regarding the immediate and two-day effect. Conclusions: No significant difference was found in the subjective or objective therapy efficacy of the two methods. Intermittent pneumatic compression therapy is considered a comparable therapeutic procedure when properly indicated.

  • Within the subcutaneous adipose tissue diseases, multiple symmetric lipomatosis (MSL) (syn.: Launois Bensaude Syndrome, Morbus Madelung, benign symmetric lipomatosis) is rare. The pathogenesis of MSL remains unclear. We investigated the largest German cohort of MSL patients to obtain anamnestic data and quality of life with a standard questionnaire. Twenty-nine patients with confirmed MSL were included and filled in a questionnaire designed for this study. The questionnaire assessed common anamnestic factors, such as quality of life (EQ-5D-3L) and subjective treatment goals and success (“Patient-Benefit-Index-Lymphedema”, PBI-L). The gender distribution of the patients involved in the study was m/f: 1/4 (male: n = 6 (21%); female n = 23 (79%)). While the exact pathophysiology of MSL remains unclear, a subset of patients’ positive family history suggests a strong genetic factor, sometimes compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. Patients with MSL showed lower health states (EQ VAS Score: m = 51, sd = 24, range = 0–90) than the German norm population (m = 77). Around two thirds (68%) of patients reported relevant benefits of therapy (liposuction/lipectomy). In our cohort about one third of the patients reported a positive family history for MSL-like features. Additionally, at least in some patients, a strong genetic factor, compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance, seems a possible major driver of MSL development. Alcohol consumption and MSL development has to be regarded as a controversial issue. Patients suffering from MSL have a clear decrease in quality of life and a marked wish for treatment.

Last update from database: 12/3/24, 8:14 AM (UTC)


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