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  • Einleitung: Die Diagnostik des Lipödems basiert bislang auf rein klinischen Befunden, objektive Parameter fehlen bislang. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, einen möglichen Zusammen-hang zwischen einer standardisierten, sonographisch gemessenen Kompressibilität der subkutanen Fettschicht sowie dem Vergleich der Hautfettfalten an Abdomen und Oberschenkel und der klinischen Diagnose Lipödem aufzuzeigen. Material und Methode: Das Grundkollektiv zur Probandinnen-Auswahl bestand aus 1100 Patientinnen und Patienten. Davon wurden 1016 Patientinnen und Patienten wegen zutreffender Ausschlusskriterien ausgeschlossen. Die verbliebenen 84 Patientinnen wurden auf die klinische Diagnose „Lipödem der Beine“ untersucht. Die klinische Diagnose „Lipödem“ war bei 71 Patientinnen positiv und bei 13 Patientinnen negativ. Insgesamt haben drei Patientinnen die Teilnahme verweigert (eine mit negativer Diagnose, zwei mit positiver Diagnose); damit wurden 69 Patientinnen in der Gruppe der Lipödempatientinnen und zwölf Patientinnen in der Kontrollgruppe untersucht. Zudem wurden als weitere Kontrollgruppe sieben männliche „gesunde“ Probanden mit derselben Technik vermessen und verglichen. An Daten wurden für alle Probandinnen und Probanden das Alter, BMI, Verhältnis von Abdomen- zu Oberschenkelhautfettfalte (nur rechts), Subkutisdicke am Oberschenkel unkomprimiert und komprimiert auf beiden Seiten erhoben. Resultate: Die Annahme, dass die Subkutis bei Lipödempatientinnen deutlich geringer kompressierbar ist, konnte an 69 Lipödempatientinnen, die keinerlei Lymphödemsymptomatik zeigten, verifiziert werden. Die Kontrollgruppen (sieben Männer, zwölf Frauen) verhielten sich diesbezüglich negativ. Der Mittelwert dieser Kompressibilität lag in der Lipödemgruppe bei 7 %, in den Kontrollgruppen bei 22 % (Männer) bzw. 16 % (Frauen ohne Lipödem). Das Verhältnis der Hautfettfalten an Abdomen und Oberschenkel war bei Lipödempatientinnen mit im Mittel 0,43 signifikant unter den anderen Gruppen (Männer: 1,45; Frauen ohne Lipödem: 1,16). Diskussion: Die sonographisch gemessene Kompressibilität der Subkutis stellt einen wichtigen, objektiven Parameter zur Diagnostik des Lipödems dar. Eine zusätzliche positive Aussage liefert zudem der Vergleich der Hautfettfaltendicke an Abdomen und Oberschenkel mit statistisch signifikanten Unterschieden.

  • BACKGROUND: Although a large number of adult women worldwide are affected by lipedema, the physiologic conditions triggering onset and progression of this chronic disease remain enigmatic. In the present study, a descriptive epidemiologic situation of postoperative lipedema patients is presented. METHODS: The authors developed an online survey questionnaire for lipedema patients in Germany. The survey was conducted on 209 female patients who had been diagnosed with lipedema and had undergone tumescent liposuction. RESULTS: Most of the participants (average age, 38.5 years) had noticed a first manifestation of the disease at the age of 16. It took a mean of 15 years to accomplish diagnosis. Liposuction led to a significant reduction of pain, swelling, tenderness, and easy bruising as confirmed by the majority of patients. Hypothyroidism [n = 75 (35.9 percent) and depression [n = 48 (23.0 percent)] occurred at a frequency far beyond the average prevalence in the German population. The prevalence of diabetes type 1 [n = 3 (1.4 percent)], and diabetes type 2 [n = 2 (1 percent)] was particularly low among the respondents. Forty-seven of the lipedema patients (approximately 22.5 percent) suffered from a diagnosed migraine. Following liposuction, the frequency and/or intensity of migraine attacks became markedly reduced, as stated by 32 patients (68.1 percent). CONCLUSIONS: Quality of life increases significantly after surgery with a reduction of pain and swelling and decreased tendency to easy bruising. The high prevalence of hypothyroidism in lipedema patients could be related to the frequently observed lipedema-associated obesity. The low prevalence of diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension appears to be a specific characteristic distinguishing lipedema from lifestyle-induced obesity.

  • Obesity is a worldwide major public health problem with an alarmingly increasing prevalence over the past 2 decades. The consequences of obesity in the skin are underestimated. In this paper, we review the effect of obesity on the skin, including how increased body mass index affects skin physiology, skin barrier, collagen structure, and wound healing. Obesity also affects sebaceous and sweat glands and causes circulatory and lymphatic changes. Common skin manifestations related to obesity include acanthosis nigricans, acrochordons, keratosis pilaris, striae distensae, cellulite, and plantar hyperkeratosis. Obesity has metabolic effects, such as causing hyperandrogenism and gout, which in turn are associated with cutaneous manifestations. Furthermore, obesity is associated with an increased incidence of bacterial and Candida skin infections, as well as onychomycosis, inflammatory skin diseases, and chronic dermatoses like hidradenitis suppurativa, psoriasis, and rosacea. The association between atopic dermatitis and obesity and the increased risk of skin cancer among obese patients is debatable. Obesity is also related to rare skin conditions and to premature hair graying. As physicians, understanding these clinical signs and the underlying systemic disorders will facilitate earlier diagnoses for better treatment and avoidance of sequelae.

  • Background: Although lipedema is often clinically distinguished from lymphedema, there is considerable overlap between the 2 entities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate lymphoscintigraphic findings in patients with lipedema to better characterize lymphatic flow in this patient population. Methods: This is an updated 4 year experience containing significant new information of patients with lipedema receiving lymphoscintigraphy at our institution between January 2015 and October 2017. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, and lymphoscintigraphic findings were extracted. Klienhan’s transport index (TI) was utilized to assess lymphatic flow in patient’s lower extremities (LEs). Scores range from 0-45, with values >10 denoting pathologic lymphatic transport. Results: 19 total patients with lipedema underwent lymphoscintigraphic evaluation. Mean age was 54.8 and mean BMI was 35.9 kg/m2. Severity of lipedema was classified as stage 1 in 5 patients (26.3%), stage 2 in 4 patients (21.1%), stage 3 in 4 patients (21.1%), and stage 4 in 6 patients (31.6%). The mean TI for all extremities was 12.5. 24 (63.2%) LEs had a pathologic TI , including 7 LEs with stage 1 (29.2%), 3 LEs with stage 2 (12.5%), 6 LEs with stage 3 (25.0%), and 8 LEs with stage 4 lipedema (33.3%). The mean TI was significantly greater for extremities with severe (stage 3/4) lipedema than those with mild or moderate (stage 1/2) lipedema (15.1 vs. 9.7, p=0.049). Mean difference in TI scores between each LE for individual patients was 6.43 (SD 7.96). Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients with lipedema have impaired lymphatic transport, and more severe lipedema may be associated with greater lymphatic transport abnormalities.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema is characterized by localized accumulation of fat in the extremities, which is typically unresponsive to dietary regimens or physical activity. Although the disease is well described and has a high incidence, little is known regarding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the pathophysiology of lipedema adipose cells in vitro. METHODS: Adipose-derived stem cells were isolated from lipoaspirates derived from lipedema and nonlipedema patients undergoing tumescent liposuction. In vitro differentiation studies were performed for up to 14 days using adipogenic or regular culture medium. Supernatants and cell lysates were tested for adiponectin, leptin, insulin-like growth factor-1, aromatase (CYP19A1), and interleukin-8 content at days 7 and 14, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Adipogenesis was evaluated by visualizing and measuring cytoplasmic lipid accumulation. RESULTS: Lipedema adipose-derived stem cells showed impeded adipogenesis already at early stages of in vitro differentiation. Concomitant with a strongly reduced cytoplasmic lipid accumulation, significantly lower amounts of adiponectin and leptin were detectable in supernatants from lipedema adipose-derived stem cells and adipocytes compared with control cells. In addition, lipedema and nonlipedema cells differed in their expression of insulin-like growth factor-1, aromatase (CYP19A1), and interleukin-8 and in their proliferative activity. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' findings indicate that in vitro adipogenesis of lipedema adipose-derived stem cells is severely hampered compared with nonlipedema adipose-derived stem cells. Lipedema adipose cells differ not only in their lipid storage capacity but also in their adipokine expression pattern. This might serve as a valuable marker for diagnosis of lipedema, probably from an early stage on.

  • INTRODUCTION: Lipedema is a barely recognized and poorly diagnosed, but common disease affecting almost exclusively female patients. The pathomechanism of lipedema is not known, and clinically, it is a bilateral, symmetrical, disproportional fatty enlargement of the lower half of the body, the disease does not affect the feet, and the upper extremities are often involved. Since lipedema is associated with increased aortic stiffness and altered left ventricular (LV) rotational mechanics, the present study was designed to compare the size and function of the mitral annulus (MA) between lipedema patients and controls by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3DSTE). METHODS: Twenty-four patients with stage 2 lipedema and 48 age-, gender-, and body mass index-matched healthy control patients were included in the study. Each person from the lipedema and the control groups underwent two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography and 3DSTE. RESULTS: Significantly enlarged left atrial diameter, LV end-diastolic diameter and volume, and LV end-systolic volume could be detected in lipedema patients as compared to controls. None of the lipedema patients and controls showed ≥grade 1 mitral or tricuspid regurgitation. Dilated end-systolic and end-diastolic MA diameter, area, and perimeter could be demonstrated in lipedema patients as compared to controls, and these changes were accompanied by impaired MA fractional area change at rest. Following 1-hour use of compression stockings, no significant improvement was seen in these parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Lipedema is associated with MA enlargement and functional impairment. The use of compression stockings does not improve these alterations.

  • INTRODUCTION: Lipoedema is a chronic disorder of adipose tissue, characterised by disproportionate fat deposits in the lower limbs and pain with preservation of the feet. The condition usually only affects women. Diagnosis is clinical and mainly by exclusion. This disorder is little known and underdiagnosed. The objective of this article was to perform a non-systematic review of the literature on lipoedema, its diagnostic criteria and proposed treatments. METHODOLOGY: A literature search was carried out from January 2012 to January 2018, in the following databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Medline, Web of Science and CINAHL. SELECTION OF STUDIES: A total of 12 articles were included, of which 10 were reviews, one was a cross-sectional study and another was a case series. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of lipoedema is mainly clinical and through exclusion of other disorders. There is no consensus on its treatment, but treatment focuses on attempting to minimise symptoms and prevent disease progression and the disability it may generate.

  • Advanced lymphedema is associated with a number of adverse skin changes including color, thickening of the epidermis, dryness, and hyperkeratosis. These changes are related to prolonged lymph stasis and contribute to an increased risk of infection. Similarly, lipedema is associated with skin thickening and appearance of nodular adipose deposition. Skin care is essential in both conditions. We examined whether inclusion of targeted skin products for 2 weeks to an established pre-surgical conservative treatment program was associated with beneficial effects on the skin condition in 150 patients with lymphedema and lipedema. Patients were randomly assigned to control or one of two treatment groups. All three groups (and for both lymphedema and lipedema) demonstrated a significant reduction in softness. Dimpling/ redness was significantly reduced in the targeted skin product groups for both patients with lymphedema or lipedema. Only patients with lipedema demonstrated a significant reduction in dryness/ hyperkeratosis following targeted skin product treatment. This study demonstrates that short-term use of targeted skin products in both patients with lymphedema and lipedema can be of benefit and further studies are needed to replicate these results and explore possible mechanisms.

  • Lipedema is a chronic fat disorder with disproportional fat distribution, especially around the legs, hips, and sometimes arms, and it affects women almost exclusively. The major symptoms and complaints include pain in the soft tissue and the feeling of “heavy legs.” The perception of pain depends to a high degree on the psychological condition of the patient. Obesity is the major comorbidity and can worsen lipedema. In combination with impaired levels of physical activity, there is an increase in interstitial filtration, and noninfectious inflammation with capillary leakage can occur. Eventually, chronic edema develops due to the dynamic insufficiency of the lymphatic system. However, edema is not a pathognomonic aspect of lipedema. There are many controversies and myths about the condition lipedema, and no objective diagnostic tool is available to confirm the diagnosis. Therapeutic approaches in lipedema are multimodal and focus on the biomedical, psychological, and functional aspects involved with the disorder. A lifestyle change is often part of the therapeutic program, along with other therapeutic interventions, such as exercise, compression, weight management, and nutritional and psychological support. Clinimetrics with validated techniques in all fields of human functioning of a lipedema patient are mandatory to objectively evaluate the improvements that are due to the treatment program. Liposuction is a technique to remove fat and is therefore introduced to treat lipedema. Some doctors who offer the procedure state that “liposuction leads to comprehensive and long-term improvements in lipedema and cures the disease.” These statements are often too optimistic and lead to high costs for the patient and disappointment in the end. However, liposuction can lead to improvements in lipedema when offered within a therapeutic program that includes other nonoperative modalities for the correct selection of patients according to their medical criteria. It cannot be emphasized enough that liposuction is not a method that should be used to treat obesity.

  • The easiest way to differentiate lipedema from lymphedema is to detect lipedema-associated clinical symptoms (e.g., cuffing sign, retromalleolar fat pads, tenderness of the skin). Physical examinations including the Streeten test, waist-to-height ratio, capillary fragility, and pain measurements can also aid in differential diagnosis. The last two methods can be used to follow and measure therapeutical efficacy. Imaging techniques (ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, lymphoscintigraphy, infrared fluoroscopy) and cardiovascular methods (aortic stiffness determination, three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography) are sensitive tools to find subtle differences.

  • Under the direction of the German Society of Phlebology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie) and in cooperation with other specialist associations, the S1 guideline on intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) was adopted in January 2018. It replaces the previous guideline from March 2005. The aim of the guideline is to optimize the indication and therapeutic use of IPC in vascular diseases and edema. An extensive literature search of MEDLINE, existing guidelines, and work relevant to the topic was performed. In view of the often methodologically weak study quality with often small numbers of cases and heterogeneous treatment protocols, recommendations can often only be derived from the available data using good clinical practice/expert consensus. Intermittent pneumatic compression is used for thromboembolism prophylaxis, decongestive therapy for edema, and to positively influence arterial and venous circulation to improve clinical symptoms and accelerate ulcer healing in both the outpatient and inpatient care setting. The therapy regimens and devices used depend on the indication and target location. They can be used as outpatient and inpatient devices as well as at home for long-term indications. A target indication is thrombosis prophylaxis. IPC should be used in severe chronic venous insufficiency (stages C4b to C6), in extremity lymphedema as an add-on therapy and in peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) with stable intermittent claudication or critical ischemia. IPC can be used in post-traumatic edema, therapy-resistant venous edema, lipedema and hemiplegia with sensory deficits and edema. Absolute and relative contraindications to IPC must be taken into account and risks considered and avoided as far as possible. Adverse events are extremely rare if IPC is used correctly. If the indication and application are correct-also as an add-on therapy-it is a safe and effective treatment method, especially for the treatment of the described vascular diseases and edema as well as thrombosis prophylaxis.

  • Whereas the blood microvasculature constitutes a biological barrier to the action of blood-borne insulin on target tissues, the lymphatic microvasculature might act as a barrier to subcutaneously administrated insulin reaching the circulation. Here, we evaluate the interaction of insulin with primary microvascular endothelial cells of lymphatic [human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (HDLEC)] and blood [human adipose microvascular endothelial cells (HAMEC)] origin, derived from human dermal and adipose tissues, respectively. HDLEC express higher levels of insulin receptor and signal in response to insulin as low as 2.5 nM, while HAMEC only activate signaling at 100 nM (a dose that blood vessels do not normally encounter). Low insulin acts specifically through the insulin receptor, while supraphysiological insulin acts through both the IR and insulin growth factor-1 receptor. At supraphysiological or injection site-compatible doses pertinent to lymphatic microvessels, insulin enters HAMEC and HDLEC via fluid-phase endocytosis. Conversely, at physiologically circulating doses (0.2 nM) pertinent to blood microvessels, insulin enters HAMEC through a receptor-mediated process requiring IR autophosphorylation but not downstream insulin signaling. At physiological doses, internalized insulin is barely degraded and is instead released intact to the extracellular medium. In conclusion, we document for the first time the mechanism of interaction of insulin with lymphatic endothelial cells, which may be relevant to insulin absorption during therapeutic injections. Furthermore, we describe distinct action and uptake routes for insulin at physiological and supraphysiological doses in blood microvascular endothelial cells, providing a potential explanation for previously conflicting studies on endothelial insulin uptake.

  • The present study aimed to assess LV rotational mechanics by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3DSTE) in lipedema (n=25), lymphedema (n=26) patient groups with age- and gender-matched healthy controls (n=54). 3 lipedema and 4 lymphedema patients were excluded due to insufficient image quality for 3DSTE analysis. LV apical rotation (9.61 ± 4.25 degree vs. 6.40 ± 2.63 degree, p <0.05) and LV twist (13.83 ± 4.89 degree vs. 10.04 ± 3.56 degree, p <0.05) are impaired in lipedema patients as compared to matched controls; similar alterations in lymphedema were not found. Moreover, in some lipedema and lymphedema patients severe LV rotational abnormalities could be detected. Our results suggest that lipedema-associated impaired LV apical rotation and twist assessed by 3DSTE could be a novel differential diagnostic point between lipedema and lymphedema.

  • Surgical Treatment for Lipedema Abstract. Lipedema is a progressive disease that occurs in adolescence and affects one in nine women. The signs are limited to the lower limbs. Early signs are nonspecific, which is why the diagnosis is often ignored. Later, pain and heaviness of lower limbs become predominant. Finally, at an advanced stage, tissue fibrosis is associated with significant edema. At this stage, patients become severely disabled and bedridden. At the early stage, the treatment is conservative. Liposuction is indicated at the onset of pain. Its effectiveness pain and long-term control has been demonstrated on. Finally, late stages require heavy and complex surgeries combining dermolipectomy and liposuction.

  • Pain is an important criterion for diagnosing lipedema. This pain, however, has not been properly investigated or characterized in the literature, and in most cases, authors have settled for putting forward hypotheses. Comparison of these hypotheses with actual findings, if even available, it becomes obvious that many of these hypotheses cannot be correct. Hardly any of the tangible results seem to provide a solid basis for explaining lipedema-related pain. When examining lipedema-related pain reported in the pain literature, it becomes increasingly evident that dynamic mechanical allodynia, with Aß-fibers and probably tactile C (CT)-fibers, is Involved. It Is in principle possible to stimulate CT-fibers by manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), and this may explain the method's analgesic effects. Conversely however, this pain-relieving effect via CT-fibers seems to exclude the Involvement of small fiber neuropathy (SFN), and thus any direct nerve damage as the cause of pain in lipedema.

  • The use of velcro compression wrapping devices in the management of lymphoedema and chronic oedema is not a new concept. Wraps have been available for many years and are being used widely in clinic and community settings where bandaging or traditional compression garments are not suitable. Furthermore, they are becoming more common when treating venous disease, patients with wounds and lipoedema. The aim of this article is to introduce the reader and clinician to the new Haddenham easywrap and to demonstrate why it is different to any other velcro wrapping device available. Case studies will be utilised from clinicians currently using easywrap in clinical practice, with both therapist and patient feedback given to demonstrate the efficacy of this new velcro compression wrapping device.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)