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Lipedema is a disproportional obesity featuring spontaneous or light pressure-induce pain and frequent hematoma formation due to even minor traumatic injuries. It is generally distinguished from general obesity primarily based on clinical hallmarks; however, this becomes difficult when appearing in a concomitant form (combination of obesity and lipedema). Our study group has recently demonstrated that lipedema-associated bruising is correlated with increased capillary fragility (CF) and also that CF could be significantly improved by complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP). In this study, we measured CF in female subjects with lipedema (15) or non-complicated obesity (15) who were body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) matched. CF was evaluated with the vacuum suction method (VSM) using Parrot's angiosterrometer in both groups. Application of VSM resulted in a significantly higher number of petechiae in subjects with lipedema. Capillary fragility measurement appears to be a useful differential diagnostic tool between lipedema and obesity under these trial parameters.
Lipoedema is a disorder of adipose tissue that occurs almost exclusively in women; the pathophysiology and aetiology are yet not well understood (Wold et al, 1951; Child et al, 2010; Fife et al, 2010). The condition was originally described in 1943 by Allen and Hines (Wold et al, 1951). The exact prevalence of lipoedema in women is unknown; its presence in the general female population has been estimated at 11% (Földi and Földi, 2012). It is a chronic, progressive condition that is associated with considerable morbidity, including discomfort, easy bruising and tenderness of the disproportionately enlarged legs, which may progress to highintensity pain and limited mobility, along planus, and complaints about general fatigue and physical impairment are often observed. In later stages, body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 (obesity) may also develop. Clinical characteristics of lipoedema include swelling and symmetrical enlargement of the lower limbs due to abnormal deposition of subcutaneous fat, with a sharp transition area of affected to unaffected tissue occasionally accompanied by over-hanging lipoedema tissue (Box 1). This is recognised as the typical ‘cuff-sign’, also called as ‘inverse shouldering’ or the ‘bracelet effect’. Lipoedema often co-exists with obesity, and obesity may be misdiagnosed, although Abstract
The invention provides carbazole derivatives for the treatment of fibrotic diseases (pathological collagen deposition) in tissues and organs, and related symptoms, and conditions thereof.
Lipoedema is a chronic progressive adipose disorder that affects mainly women and presents as symmetrical enlargement of the buttocks and legs. It is commonly misdiagnosed as obesity or lymphoedema, but careful assessment will reveal a disproportionate enlargement below the waist which is resistant to dieting, sparing of the feet, legs are tender or painful to touch and bruise easily, there is occasional orthostatic oedema, and there is often significant psychological morbidity. Lipoedema is a oestrogen-regulated condition with onset around puberty in 78% of women, and there is often a strong family history. The condition is exacerbated by weight gain and there is increasing anecdotal evidence that women who are obese are seeking a diagnosis of lipoedema, either to procure NHS funded manual lymphatic drainage, or to medicalise their obesity and avoid acknowledging that the responsibility for their weight gain is lifestyle orientated. Management of lipoedema consists of accurate diagnosis, psychological care, management of orthostatic oedema, and prevention of progression through skin care and weight management.
Lipedema, or adiposis dolorosa, is a common adipose tissue disorder that is believed to affect nearly 11% of adult women worldwide. It is characterized most commonly by disproportionate adipocyte hypertrophy of the lower extremities, significant tenderness to palpation, and a failure to respond to extreme weight loss modalities. Women with lipedema report a rapid growth of the lipedema subcutaneous adipose tissue in the setting of stress, surgery, and/or hormonal changes. Women with later stages of lipedema have a classic "column leg" appearance, with masses of nodular fat, easy bruising, and pain. Despite this relatively common disease, there are few physicians who are aware of it. As a result, patients are often misdiagnosed with lifestyle-induced obesity, and/or lymphedema, and subjected to unnecessary medical interventions and fat-shaming. Diagnosis is largely clinical and based on criteria initially established in 1951. Treatment of lipedema is effective and includes lymphatic support, such as complete decongestive therapy, and specialized suction lipectomy to spare injury to lymphatic channels and remove the diseased lipedema fat. With an incidence that may affect nearly 1 in 9 adult women, it is important to generate appropriate awareness, conduct additional research, and identify better diagnostic and treatment modalities for lipedema so these women can obtain the care that they need and deserve.
Lipoedema is a long-term, progressive condition, usually presenting as symmetrical enlargement of the legs and buttocks, and mainly affecting women. Distinct from obesity or lymphoedema, lipoedema is associated with an unusual distribution and proliferation of diet-resistant inflammatory fat tissue. This article provides background to lipoedema diagnosis and discusses self-care support for women with lipoedema.
Selecting the most appropriate compression garments is vital in the long-term management of venous disease and chronic oedema. The range of styles has improved greatly over the years and many garments are available on the UK Drug Tariff. Practitioners now have a wide range of options to choose from including the type of fabric, colour, compression class, and style of garment. These options increase the pratitioner's ability to select the most suitable garments and combine clinical and aesthetic needs, with the ultimate aim of improving compliance. The focus of this article is to highlight the aims and qualities of the various types of compression garments available, discuss the rationale for prescribing choice, and describe the benefits of Haddenham's Veni made-to-order compression leg garments in the management of chronic oedema and venous disease. Three case studies will demonstrate the effectiveness of the Veni made-to-order range of compression garments.
PURPOSE: Lipoedema is a chronic, progressive adipose disorder of unknown etiology, often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed as obesity. It manifests itself with accumulation of the fat in lower parts of the body and associated edema and, due to numerous physical and psychological consequences, affects the quality of life (QOL) of those who suffer. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological factors that might have an impact on the QOL of women with lipoedema from the contextual behavioral viewpoint. METHODS: In an Internet-based cross-sectional study, women suffering from lipoedema (N = 120) were asked to fill in questionnaires assessing: symptom severity, QOL (WHOQOL-BREF), satisfaction with life (SWLS), psychological flexibility (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II), social connectedness (Social Connectedness Scale-Revised) and other psychological factors. The majority of participants were from the USA, the UK, and Australia. RESULTS: Multiple hierarchical regression analyses showed that a higher level of QOL was predicted by higher levels of psychological flexibility and social connectedness, while controlling for symptom severity. Higher level of SWL was predicted only by higher level of social connectedness. CONCLUSIONS: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with psychological flexibility as the target of change and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy with social connectedness as the target of change might be useful in treating women with lipoedema; however, further research in this area is needed. The authors conclude that psychological and biomedical interventions for women with lipoedema and their QOL merit more attention from researchers and the medical community than is currently received.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in children is becoming a major health concern. A “multiple-hit” pathogenetic model has been suggested to explain the progressive liver damage that occurs among children with NAFLD. In addition to the accumulation of fat in the liver, insulin resistance (IR) and oxidative stress due to genetic/epigenetic background, unfavorable lifestyles, gut microbiota and gut-liver axis dysfunction, and perturbations of trace element homeostasis have been shown to be critical for disease progression and the development of more severe inflammatory and fibrotic stages [non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)]. Simple clinical and laboratory parameters, such as age, history, anthropometrical data (BMI and waist circumference percentiles), blood pressure, surrogate clinical markers of IR (acanthosis nigricans), abdominal ultrasounds, and serum transaminases, lipids and glucose/insulin profiles, allow a clinician to identify children with obesity and obesity-related conditions, including NAFLD and cardiovascular and metabolic risks. A liver biopsy (the “imperfect” gold standard) is required for a definitive NAFLD/NASH diagnosis, particularly to exclude other treatable conditions or when advanced liver disease is expected on clinical and laboratory grounds and preferably prior to any controlled trial of pharmacological/surgical treatments. However, a biopsy clearly cannot represent a screening procedure. Advancements in diagnostic serum and imaging tools, especially for the non-invasive differentiation between NAFLD and NASH, have shown promising results, e.g. , magnetic resonance elastography. Weight loss and physical activity should be the first option of intervention.
Lymphoscintigraphy has emerged as the diagnostic test of choice differentiating lymphoedema from other causes of extremity swelling in adult and paediatric patients with a high clinical suspicion of impaired lymphatic function. In paediatric patients who present with lymphoedema, primary lymphoedema accounts for the majority of the cases, with prevalence estimates that approximate 1.15/100,000 persons aged less than 20 years. Other causes of lymphoedema include combined lymphatic vascular diseases and to a lesser extent, secondary lymphoedema due to surgical and non-surgical trauma to the lymphatic system. Lymphoscintigraphy plays an important role in the direction of clinical management in these patients with lymphoedema and proper recognition of lymphoscintigraphic patterns in this population is essential. Sentinel lymph node localization and biopsy has become standard of care in adult patients with melanoma and breast cancer. It is recommended in paediatric and adolescent patients with melanoma, peripheral rhabdomyosarcomas, and several specific soft tissue sarcomas.
Lipedema is an uncommon disorder characterized by localized adiposity of the lower extremities, often occurring in females with a family history of the condition. The adiposity extends from hips to ankles and is typically unresponsive to weight loss. In addition to the aesthetic deformity, women also describe pain in the lower extremities, particularly with pressure, as well as easy bruising. Although the condition is well described, it is relatively rare and often misdiagnosed. The purpose of this review is to describe the initial evaluation and diagnosis of lipedema and discuss treatment options.
Vascular anomalies and related conditions cause overgrowth of tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy and safety of liposuction techniques for pediatric overgrowth diseases. Patients treated between 2007 and 2015 who had follow-up were reviewed. Seventeen patients were included; the median age was 12.7 years. The causes of overgrowth included infiltrating lipomatosis (n = 7), capillary malformation (n = 6), hemihypertrophy (n = 1), infantile hemangioma (n = 1), lipedema (n = 1), and macrocephaly-capillary malformation (n = 1). Forty-seven percent had enlargement of an extremity, 41 percent had facial hypertrophy, and 12 percent had expansion of the trunk. All subjects had a reduction in the size of the overgrown area and improved quality of life. Suction-assisted tissue removal is an effective technique for reducing the volume of the subcutaneous compartment for patients with pediatric overgrowth diseases. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, IV.
INTRODUCTION: Liposuction for lymphoedematous limbs is an effective treatment for chronic lymphoedema, with excellent long-term results in well-selected patients. In 2008 NICE produced guidelines 'Liposuction for Chronic lymphoedema', acknowledging this treatment modality. However, there remain very few centers that provide this service in the United Kingdom. We aim to share our experience of our referral system at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland. METHODS: A 10 year prospective database from 2005 to 2014 was analysed. Referral sources, patient demographics, diagnosis and treatment offered were examined. RESULTS: There were 221 referrals in total, 190 (86%) female and 31 (14%) male. The mean age was 51 (range 7-86 years). 127 (58%) were referred via their general practitioners, 72 (33%) from a hospital consultant and 22 (10%) from a lymphoedema nurse specialist. 153 (69%) referrals were from Scotland, 61 (28%) from England and 7 (3%) from Northern Ireland. The majority of patients 165 (75%) were referred with lower limb swelling. Following assessment in clinic, 146 (66%) were found to have lymphoedema whilst the rest were deemed to have other non-lymphoedematous diagnoses which include lipoedema (47, 21%), dependent oedema (8, 4%) and obesity (5, 2%). 131 (59%) were offered liposuction- 74 (34%) have received liposuction, 18 (8%) are awaiting their procedure, 3 (1%) have declined surgery, 27 (12%) are awaiting funding approval and 9 (4%) have been declined funding by their primary care trust/clinical commissioning group (PCT/CCG). 4 (2%) are awaiting investigations to further evaluate the cause of their swelling, whilst the remaining 86 (39%) were felt unsuitable for surgery and were treated conservatively. CONCLUSION: Chronic lymphoedema is a challenging condition to treat, with few specialist centers offering surgical treatment. We hereby share our referral process, diagnosis and management.
Lipedema is a disorder of adipose tissue that primarily affects females and is often misdiagnosed as obesity or lymphedema. Relatively few studies have defined the precise pathogenesis, epidemiology, and management strategies for this disorder, yet the need to successfully identify this disorder as a unique entity has important implications for proper treatment. In this review, we sought to review and identify information in the existing literature with respect to the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and management strategies for lipedema. The current literature suggests that lipedema appears to be a clinical entity thought to be related to both genetic factors and fat distribution. While distinct from lymphedema and obesity, there are some existing treatments such as complex decongestive physiotherapy, liposuction, and laser-assisted lipolysis. Management of lipedema is complex and distinct from lymphedema. The role of newer randomized controlled studies to further explore the management of this clinical entity remains promising.
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