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A lipedema is characterized by the bilateral and symmetrical en-largement of the lower limbs without the involvement of the feet and a negative Stemmer’s sign; it may cause skin hypothermia, alteration in the plantar support, and hyperalgesia. The current study aims to report a rare type of ulcerative lesion in a patient with lipolymphedema treated with a damp low-stretch bandage. The patient is a female, age 50, with a family history of lipedema, and who has suffered many episodes of erysipelas in the lower left limb for approximately 20 years. For over five years ulcers which are difficult to heal have appeared. She was treated with a damp low-stretch bandage and the healing of the wound has shown significant improvement. Ulcerative lesions are rare in lipolymphedema; however, their occurrence is associated with difficulties in healing.
Lipoedema is a fat distribution disorder causing massive, bilaterally symmetrical enlargement of the lower and in some cases the upper extremities in women. The atraumatic, anatomically appropriate procedure of water jet-assisted liposuction available today represents a promising treatment for these patients who generally suffer from severe subjective and objective impairment. Liposuction treatment can bring long-term improvement if the operative technique focuses on lymph vessel preservation. Immunohistologic analyses show minimal evidence of lymph vessel structures in lipoaspirates. The histologic analysis of the aspirates documents a relatively specific removal ("apheresis") of primarily intact lipocytes with low vascular amount.
BACKGROUND Many surgeons consider liposuction using tumescent local anesthesia (TLA) to be a safe technique, but when TLA has been combined with other techniques, such as general anesthesia or intravenous medication, or when the guidelines associated with TLA have been violated, serious complications and deaths have occurred. This has resulted in uncertainty concerning the safety of liposuction using TLA, which this article seeks to resolve. OBJECTIVE To investigate whether liposuction using TLA is a safe procedure. METHODS The same surgeon performed liposuction using exclusively TLA in 3,240 procedures. Detailed records were kept of the complications that occurred. RESULTS In a series of 3,240 procedures, no deaths occurred, and no complications requiring hospitalization were experienced. In nine cases, complications developed that needed further action. CONCLUSIONS Liposuction using exclusively TLA is a proven safe procedure provided that the existing guidelines are meticulously followed.
Lipoedema is a disease of women, characterised by a circumscribed accumulation of subcutaneous fat, mainly in the legs, with oedema, hematomas, and pain from tension and pressure. Up to now, only conservative treatment with manual lymphatic drainage and compression was possible. Nowadays surgical therapy with liposuction under tumescent local anaesthesia can not only improve morphology but can also reduce complaints. When performed with modern techniques by experienced surgeons, liposuction is very safe and highly effective. The combination of conservative and surgical methods can considerably improve quality of life.
Lymphoedema is a clinical manifestation of an impaired lymphatic drainage with accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Lipoedema is characterized by bilateral enlargement of the legs and/or arms due to abnormal deposition of fatty tissue, which accumulates fluid. Conservative treatment including compressions garments and lymphatic drainage is suitable to prevent ongoing clinical deterioration although both diseases cannot be cured. The ability to properly diagnose lymphoedema and lipoedema is crucial to prevent the significant morbidity and loss of quality of life that is associated with this condition. It is imperative that patients with lymphoedema are referred to specially trained healthcare professionals to ensure optimal treatment. Continuous therapy with strict compliance of the patients is essential, and premature interruption is the most frequent mistake. Lipoedema is a different entity but patients are still fighting for acceptance. The mutual relation of lipoedema and obesity and the poor knowledge of the underlying mechanisms limit the acceptance of lipoedema as a relevant disease.
The population of morbidly obese patients, along with the incidence of lymphedema and massive localized lymphedema associated with this condition, is increasing. A 5-year retrospective review of data (2000-2005) shows that the percentage of patients >350 lb in the authors' clinic population increased from approximately 7% to 11% and 75% of their morbidly obese patients (body mass index >40) had or have lymphedema. After a differential diagnosis between lipedema and lymphedema (primary or secondary) has been made, lymphedema management options include compression bandaging, manual lymphatic drainage, and localized surgeries. The treatment of morbidly obese lymphedema patients requires additional staff time and specialized equipment to move or position them and may be confounded by other conditions (eg, heart failure and venous insufficiency) that contribute to edema. Lymphedema treatments have been found to be useful, providing patients are able to follow treatment guidelines, especially with regard to weight control. In the authors' experience, massive localized lymphedema will recur unless the primary issue of obesity is addressed. Establishing clear criteria and patient participation guidelines before initiating a comprehensive localized lymphedema program will improve outcomes.
Lymphatic disease is quite prevalent, and often not well clinically characterized. Beyond lymphedema, there is a broad array of human disease that directly or indirectly alters lymphatic structure and function. The symptomatic and objective presentation of these patients can be quite diverse. In this review, we have attempted to provide a systematic overview of the subjective and objective spectrum of lymphatic disease, with consideration of all of the categories of disease that primarily or secondarily impair the functional integrity of the lymphatic system. Lymphedema is discussed, along with chromosomal disorders, lymphangioma, infectious diseases, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lipedema, heritable genetic disorders, complex vascular malformations, protein-losing enteropathy, and intestinal lymphangiectasia.
Introduction: Complaints of lipoedema are mainly referred to as pressure pain or tension in the scientific literature. Objective: The objective was to enable a further differentiation of the quality of the perceived discomfort and provide a preliminary quantification of pain severity. Methods: 50 patients with Stage II lipoedema were asked to complete a questionnaire containing 30 items corresponding to sensory and affective pain sensations. For these items, they could choose between “completely applicable”, “largely applicable”, “somewhat applicable”, or “not applicable”. The patients were also asked to describe their complaints in their own words. Results: The items pressing and dull were specified most frequently. The following were indicated to a lesser extent: severe, tearing, nagging, unnerving, fierce, unbearable, exhausting, and sharp. Compared to patients with chronic pain, the mean values of all the patients’ sensory and affective scores yielded an average pain severity. However, when the patients used their own formulations, the complaints were often described as being very pronounced. Conclusion: Only a small portion of the adjectives offered was suitable for characterising the sensations of lipoedema. There were considerable inter-individual variations in how the pain was perceived. The severe symptoms, which are partially subjective, should be considered when characterising lipoedema.
Lipedema is characterized by symmetric lower extremity enlargement secondary to the deposition of fat. Lipedema is not rare, but it is commonly misdiagnosed as lymphedema. We describe a 20-year-old woman with massive lower extremity enlargement that did not respond to compression therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lower extremities helped to confirm the diagnosis.
Lipoedema: a new therapy regimen b Lipoedema, a disease in women, is characterised by circumscribed accumulation of subcutaneous fat, mainly in the legs, with oedema, tension pain, tenderness and haematomas.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Discuss the initial evaluation of a patient presenting with lower extremity enlargement. 2. Distinguish underlying medical conditions causing lower extremity enlargement, including lymphedema and lipedema. 3. Discuss appropriate management and treatment for patients presenting with these conditions. BACKGROUND: Given the epidemic of obesity in the United States, many patients will consult the plastic surgeon with complaints of lower extremity enlargement secondary to "fat legs." In addition to cosmetic disfigurement, some patients may suffer from underlying medical conditions that are responsible for their symptoms. Knowledge of these other causes, including lymphedema and a disorder of abnormal fat deposition known as lipedema, ensures appropriate management and/or surgical treatment for affected patients. METHODS: Initial evaluation for lower extremity enlargement should include a discussion of pertinent medical history and a focused physical examination for findings that might indicate a pathologic underlying cause. When indicated, patients should undergo additional testing, including radiologic studies, to confirm their diagnoses. RESULTS: For those patients found to have lymphatic dysfunction, conservative management, such as massage therapy, use of compression garments, and limb elevation, should be initially recommended. Excisional or suction-assisted lipectomy may be considered in patients who fail conservative therapy. More extensive consultation with the plastic surgeon is recommended for patients seeking aesthetic improvement in contour and shape of large legs without a specified underlying abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with lower extremity enlargement may present to the plastic surgeon unsure of the specific cause of their deformity. A broad differential diagnosis exists for their presentation, which can be narrowed by using the common features and unique manifestations of the conditions.
Surgical approaches are usually not part of the strand rad approach in lymphologic therapy. Classic therapy is conservative and controls symptoms rather than seeking cures. Plastic surgical tissue reduction results in impaired lymph flow in many cases. Improving the lymphologic disease while reducing the need for complex compression therapy are major therapeutic goals. Lymphologic liposculpture offers a successful way to treat lipohyperplasia dolorosa and offers a new concept in the treatment of secondary lymphedema.
Only a limited number of studies on cellulite have been published in the international literature and many of them reach somewhat antithetical conclusions. Consequently, it is not yet possible to reconcile the extreme differences of opinion which have lingered on for years concerning the nature of this disorder, as well as its origin and even the most basic aspects of its histopathological classification. It does not even have a recognized name: in fact, the term 'cellulitis' is used in scientific English to indicate a spreading gangrenous infection of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. The other terms used from time to time [panniculitis, lipodystrophy, edematofibrosclerotic panniculitis (EFP), liposclerosis, lipoedema, etc.] have quite different morphological and pathogenetic connotations in general. Over the last few decades, three major conflicting theories have emerged in relation to the ethiopathogenesis of cellulite. These indicate, respectively, the following causes: 1. Oedema caused by excessive hydrophilia of the intercellular matrix. 2. A homeostatic alteration on a regional microcirculatory level; this pathogenetic theory is summarized in a synthetic and self-explanatory denomination: EFP. 3. A peculiar anatomical conformation of the subcutaneous tissue of women, different from male morphology. These theories must all now be updated in the light of recent advances on the sophisticated and composite physiopathology of the adipose organ - which acts not only as a control device which regulates the systematic equilibrium of energy and modulates the food intake and the metabolism of other tissue substrate through a multiple glandular secretion of hormones and parahormones.
OBJECTIVE: Many investigations and treatments exist for lower limb lymphoedema. We undertook a survey on the management of this condition by vascular surgeons and the resources available for its treatment in the UK. DESIGN: A questionnaire was designed to assess the management of lymphoedema. MATERIALS AND METHOD: A postal questionnaire was sent to all members of the The Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland. RESULTS: 251/440 (57%) consultant surgeons returned a completed questionnaire comprising 45.3% teaching hospital and 54.7% district general hospital (DGH) consultants. 77.9% of the consultants saw less than 10 patients annually with lymphoedema. The commonest causes of lymphoedema were primary lymphoedema (99.3%) and malignancy (37.1%). Lipoedema, a cause of limb swelling was only seen or recognised by 46.2% of the consultants. The commonest investigations performed were a duplex scan, lymphoscintigram, full blood count and urea and electrolytes. The common methods of confirming lymphoedema were either by lymphoscintigram (54.5%) or from a diagnosis of exclusion (33.7%). Lymphoedema physiotherapy was available only to 53.8% of the consultants. Surgery was performed by 10.5% of consultants. 73.4% of the consultants believed that lymphoedema is managed inadequately and 72.9% believed that resources are insufficient in the UK for this condition. CONCLUSION: In the UK the majority of vascular consultants see less than 10 patients annually with lymphoedema. Very few patients undergo confirmation of this diagnosis with non-invasive investigation and very few consultants perform surgery. Management of this condition is perceived by the consultants to be poor, with a lack of resources and particular shortage of lymphoedema physiotherapists. Centralisation of these services may be a way of improving this condition.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a rare and painful disease in women. Until recently, it could be treated only by conservative methods (combined physical therapy). OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy and safety of surgery (liposuction) concerning appearance and associated complaints. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients, who had undergone conservative therapy over a period of years, were treated by liposuction under tumescent local anesthesia with vibrating microcannulas. Twenty-one could be reevaluated after an average of 12.2 (1-26) months. RESULTS: All showed great improvement, with normalization of body proportions. Additionally, spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, and bruising either disappeared completely or improved markedly. Other than minor swelling for a few days, no complications could be observed following surgery. All patients reported a tremendous increase in their quality of life. Physical therapy had to be continued to a much lower degree. CONCLUSION: Tumescent liposuction has proved to be a safe and effective treatment for lipedema.
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