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High-quality three-dimensional (3D) microscopy allows detailed, unrestricted and non-destructive imaging of entire volumetric tissue specimens and can therefore increase the diagnostic accuracy of histopathological tissue analysis. However, commonly used IgG antibodies are oftentimes not applicable to 3D imaging, due to their relatively large size and consequently inadequate tissue penetration and penetration speed. The lack of suitable reagents for 3D histopathology can be overcome by an emerging class of single-domain antibodies, referred to as nanobodies (Nbs), which can facilitate rapid and superior 2D and 3D histological stainings. Here, we report the generation and experimental validation of Nbs directed against the human endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (hESAM), which enables spatial visualization of blood vascular networks in whole-mount 3D imaging. After analysis of Nb binding properties and quality, selected Nb clones were validated in 2D and 3D imaging approaches, demonstrating comparable staining qualities to commercially available hESAM antibodies in 2D, as well as rapid and complete staining of entire specimens in 3D. We propose that the presented hESAM-Nbs can serve as novel blood vessel markers in academic research and can potentially improve 3D histopathological diagnostics of entire human tissue specimens, leading to improved treatment and superior patient outcomes.
Lipedema is a multifaceted chronic fat disorder characterized by the bilateral and disproportionate accumulation of fat predominantly in the lower body regions of females. Research strongly supports that estrogen factors likely contribute to the pathophysiology of this disease. We aim to help demonstrate this link by quantifying estrogen factor differences between women with and without lipedema. For time and lipedema adipose tissue conservation, the Protein Simple WES machine will be utilized in place of traditional western blotting. Here, we are interested in evaluating estrogen related factors, such as, but not limited to, estrogen receptors and enzymes involved in the successive conversions of cholesterol and androgens to estrogens in human subcutaneous adipose. Evaluation of these factors within adipose tissue, however, is novel for this instrument. Thus, we optimized tissue lysis and protein extraction for 11 proteins of interest. Antibodies and their working concentrations were determined based upon specific and distinguishable (signal-to-noise) peaks from electropherogram outputs across different tissue lysate concentrations. We found that overnight acetone precipitation proved to be the best procedure for extracting protein from lipid rich adipose tissue samples. Six of the eleven proteins were found to migrate to their expected molecular weights, however, five did not. For proteins that did not migrate as expected, overexpression lysates and empty vector controls were used to validate detection antibodies. Protein extract from subcutaneous adipose tissue and overexpression lysates were then combined to understand if migration was specifically altered by adipose tissue. From these results, we concluded that the lipid rich nature of adipose tissue in combination with the separation matrix designated for use with the WES were preventing the appropriate migration of some proteins rather than non-specific antibody binding or inappropriate preparation methods.
Objective Lipedema is an inflammatory subcutaneous adipose tissue disease that develops in women and may progress to lipolymphedema, a condition similar to lymphedema, in which lymphatic dysfunction results in irresolvable edema. Because it has been shown that dilated lymphatic vessels, impaired pumping, and dermal backflow are associated with presymptomatic, cancer-acquired lymphedema, this study sought to understand whether these abnormal lymphatic characteristics also characterize early stages of lipedema prior to lipolymphedema development. Methods In a pilot study of 20 individuals with Stage I or II lipedema who had not progressed to lipolymphedema, lymphatic vessel anatomy and function in upper and lower extremities were assessed by near-infrared fluorescence lymphatic imaging and compared with that of a control population of similar age and BMI. Results These studies showed that, although lower extremity lymphatic vessels were dilated and showed intravascular pooling, the propulsion rates significantly exceeded those of control individuals. Upper extremity lymphatics of individuals with lipedema were unremarkable. In contrast to individuals with lymphedema, individuals with Stage I and II lipedema did not exhibit dermal backflow. Conclusions These results suggest that, despite the confusion in the diagnoses between lymphedema and lipedema, their etiologies differ, with lipedema associated with lymphatic vessel dilation but not lymphatic dysfunction.
Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a common co-morbidity of breast cancer therapies, yet factors that contribute to BCRL progression remain incompletely characterized. We investigated whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of subcutaneous adipose tissue were uniquely elevated in women with BCRL.
In mice, embryonic dermal lymphatic development is well understood and used to study gene functions in lymphangiogenesis. Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that modulates cell fate decisions, which has been shown to both inhibit and promote dermal lymphangiogenesis. Here, we demonstrate distinct roles for Notch4 signaling versus canonical Notch signaling in embryonic dermal lymphangiogenesis. Actively growing embryonic dermal lymphatics expressed NOTCH1, NOTCH4, and DLL4 which correlated with Notch activity. In lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), DLL4 activation of Notch induced a subset of Notch effectors and lymphatic genes, which were distinctly regulated by Notch1 and Notch4 activation. Treatment of LECs with VEGF-A or VEGF-C upregulated Dll4 transcripts and differentially and temporally regulated the expression of Notch1 and Hes/Hey genes. Mice nullizygous for Notch4 had an increase in the closure of the lymphangiogenic fronts which correlated with reduced vessel caliber in the maturing lymphatic plexus at E14.5 and reduced branching at E16.5. Activation of Notch4 suppressed LEC migration in a wounding assay significantly more than Notch1, suggesting a dominant role for Notch4 in regulating LEC migration. Unlike Notch4 nulls, inhibition of canonical Notch signaling by expressing a dominant negative form of MAML1 (DNMAML) in Prox1+ LECs led to increased lymphatic density consistent with an increase in LEC proliferation, described for the loss of LEC Notch1. Moreover, loss of Notch4 did not affect LEC canonical Notch signaling. Thus, we propose that Notch4 signaling and canonical Notch signaling have distinct functions in the coordination of embryonic dermal lymphangiogenesis.
Lipedema is a painful fat disorder that affects ~11% of the female population. It is characterized by bilateral, disproportionate accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue predominantly in the lower body. The onset of lipedema pathophysiology is thought to occur during periods of hormonal fluctuation, such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Although the identification and characterization of lipedema have improved, the underlying disease etiology remains to be elucidated. Estrogen, a key regulator of adipocyte lipid and glucose metabolism, and female-associated body fat distribution are postulated to play a contributory role in the pathophysiology of lipedema. Dysregulation of adipose tissue accumulation via estrogen signaling likely occurs by two mechanisms: (1). altered adipocyte estrogen receptor distribution (ERα/ERß ratio) and subsequent metabolic signaling and/or (2). increased release of adipocyte-produced steroidogenic enzymes leading to increased paracrine estrogen release. These alterations could result in increased activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), free fatty acid entry into adipocytes, glucose uptake, and angiogenesis while decreasing lipolysis, mitochondriogenesis, and mitochondrial function. Together, these metabolic alterations would lead to increased adipogenesis and adipocyte lipid deposition, resulting in increased adipose depot mass. This review summarizes research characterizing estrogen-mediated adipose tissue metabolism and its possible relation to excessive adipose tissue accumulation associated with lipedema.
Dendritic arborization is critical for the establishment and maintenance of precise neural circuits. Vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D), well-characterized as a “lymphangiogenic” growth factor, reportedly maintains dendritic arborization and synaptic strength in the hippocampus of adult mice through VEGF receptor (VEGFR-3) signaling. Here, we investigated the effect of chronic VEGFR-3-specific activation on adipose arbor morphometry using the Adipo-VD mouse, a model of inducible, adipose-specific VEGF-D overexpression. We examined whether adipose tissue innervation was preserved or functionally different in Adipo-VD mice during stress in vivo and if VEGFR-3 signaling afforded neuroprotection to challenged neurons in vitro. Chronic VEGFR-3 signaling in Adipo-VD subcutaneous adipose tissue resulted in a reduction in the dendrite length, dendritic terminal branches (filament length), dendritic terminal branch volume (filament volume), but increased dendrite branching. We also identified reduced stimulus-evoked excitatory sympathetic nerve activity in Adipo-VD mice. Following 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) denervation, Adipo-VD dendritic arbors were preserved, including improved dendritic branch volume, length, and dendritic branches than in wildtype tissues. In vitro, we found that chronic elevation of VEGFR-3 signaling in developing mVC neurons changes the dendritic arbor complexity and improves stress-induced structure remodeling. Developing neurons are conferred neuroprotection against stress, potentially by upregulation of proteolytic conversion of pro-BDNF to mature BDNF. Mature neurons, however, display improved dendritic arbor complexity, and unaltered dendritic structural remodeling and improved resistance to stress with VEGFR-3 signaling. Overall, chronically increasing VEGFR-3 signaling in neurons has a synergistic impact on neurosensitization and neuroprotection during stress.
Background Reduced diffusion along perivascular spaces in adults with Alzheimer’s-disease-related-dementias has been reported and attributed to reduced glymphatic flow. Objectives To apply quantitative measures of diffusion along, and orthogonal to, perivascular spaces in a cohort of older adults with and without clinical symptoms of alpha-synuclein related neurodegeneration. Methods 181 adults with Parkinson disease (PD) or essential tremor (ET) additionally sub-classified by the presence of cognitive impairment underwent 3 Tesla MRI. Diffusion-tensor-imaging (spatial resolution=2x2x2 mm; b-value=1000 s/mm2; directions=33) measures of diffusion (mm2/s) parallel and orthogonal to perivascular spaces at the level of the medullary veins, and the ratio of these measures (DTI-ALPS), were calculated. Regions were identified by a board-certified neuroradiologist from T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI. Evaluations of motor impairment and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were interpreted by a board-certified neurologist and neuropsychologist, respectively. Multiple regression with false discovery rate correction was applied to understand how diffusion metrics related to (i) disease category (PD vs. ET), (ii) cognition (MCI status), and (iii) white matter disease severity from the Fazekas score. Results The DTI-ALPS score was reduced in PD compared to ET participants (p=0.037). No association between DTI-ALPS score and MCI status, but an inverse association between DTI-ALPS and Fazekas score (p=0.002), was observed. DTI-ALPS scores were inversely associated with age (p=0.007). Conclusion Diffusion aberrations near perivascular spaces are evident in patients with alpha-synuclein related neurodegenerative disorders, and are related to age and white matter disease severity.
AIM: Fluid and macromolecule transport from the interstitium into and through lymphatic vessels is necessary for tissue homeostasis. While lymphatic capillary structure suggests that passive, paracellular transport would be the predominant route of macromolecule entry, active caveolae-mediated transcellular transport has been identified in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) in vitro. Caveolae also mediate a wide array of endothelial cell processes, including nitric oxide regulation. Thus, how does the lack of caveolae impact "lymphatic function"? METHODS: Various aspects of lymphatic transport were measured in mice constitutively lacking caveolin-1 ("CavKO"), the protein required for caveolae formation in endothelial cells, and in mice with a LEC-specific Cav1 gene deletion (Lyve1-Cre x Cav1flox/flox ; "LyCav") and ex vivo in their vessels and cells. RESULTS: In each model, lymphatic architecture was largely unchanged. The lymphatic conductance, or initial tissue uptake, was significantly higher in both CavKO mice and LyCav mice by quantitative microlymphangiography and the permeability to 70 kDa dextran was significantly increased in monolayers of LECs isolated from CavKO mice. Conversely, transport within the lymphatic system to the sentinel node was significantly reduced in anaesthetized CavKO and LyCav mice. Isolated, cannulated collecting vessel studies identified significantly reduced phasic contractility when lymphatic endothelium lacks caveolae. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase was able to partially restore ex vivo vessel contractility. CONCLUSION: Macromolecule transport across lymphatics is increased with loss of caveolae, yet phasic contractility reduced, resulting in reduced overall lymphatic transport function. These studies identify lymphatic caveolar biology as a key regulator of active lymphatic transport functions.
Lipedema is an underdiagnosed painful adipose tissue disorder that occurs almost exclusively in women, with onset manifesting at puberty or at times of hormonal change. Unlike many fat disorders, diet and exercise have little to no impact on the prevention or progression of this disease. Estrogens control the distribution of body fat and food intake, regulate leptin expression, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation through signaling pathways mediated by its receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and ERβ. This review will focus on understanding the role of estrogen in the pathogenesis of the disease and envisage potential hormonal therapy for lipedema patients.
The adipose tissue stroma is a rich source of molecularly distinct stem and progenitor cell populations with diverse functions in metabolic regulation, adipogenesis, and inflammation. The ontology of these populations and the mechanisms that govern their behaviors in response to stimuli, such as overfeeding, however, are unclear. Here, we show that the developmental fates and functional properties of adipose platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRβ)+ progenitor subpopulations are tightly regulated by mitochondrial metabolism. Reducing the mitochondrial β-oxidative capacity of PDGFRβ+ cells via inducible expression of MitoNEET drives a pro-inflammatory phenotype in adipose progenitors and alters lineage commitment. Furthermore, disrupting mitochondrial function in PDGFRβ+ cells rapidly induces alterations in immune cell composition in lean mice and impacts expansion of adipose tissue in diet-induced obesity. The adverse effects on adipose tissue remodeling can be reversed by restoring mitochondrial activity in progenitors, suggesting therapeutic potential for targeting energy metabolism in these cells.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Williams syndrome is a multisystem disorder caused by a microdeletion on chromosome 7q. Throughout infancy, childhood, and adulthood, abnormalities in body composition and in multiple endocrine axes may arise for individuals with Williams syndrome. This review describes the current literature regarding growth, body composition, and endocrine issues in Williams syndrome with recommendations for surveillance and management by the endocrinologist, geneticist, or primary care physician. RECENT FINDINGS: In addition to known abnormalities in stature, calcium metabolism, and thyroid function, individuals with Williams syndrome are increasingly recognized to have low bone mineral density, increased body fat, and decreased muscle mass. Furthermore, recent literature identifies a high prevalence of diabetes and obesity starting in adolescence, and, less commonly, a lipedema phenotype in both male and female individuals. Understanding of the mechanisms by which haploinsufficiency of genes in the Williams syndrome-deleted region contributes to the multisystem phenotype of Williams syndrome continues to evolve. SUMMARY: Multiple abnormalities in growth, body composition, and endocrine axes may manifest in individuals with Williams syndrome. Individuals with Williams syndrome should have routine surveillance for these issues in either the primary care setting or by an endocrinologist or geneticist.
Lipedema is an adipose tissue disorder characterized by the disproportionate increase of subcutaneous fat tissue in the lower and/or upper extremities. The underlying pathomechanism remains unclear and no molecular biomarkers to distinguish the disease exist, leading to a large number of undiagnosed and misdiagnosed patients. To unravel the distinct molecular characteristic of lipedema we performed lipidomic analysis of the adipose tissue and serum of lipedema versus anatomically- and body mass index (BMI)-matched control patients. Both tissue groups showed no significant changes regarding lipid composition. As hyperplastic adipose tissue represents low-grade inflammation, the potential systemic effects on circulating cytokines were evaluated in lipedema and control patients using the Multiplex immunoassay system. Interestingly, increased systemic levels of interleukin 11 (p = 0.03), interleukin 28A (p = 0.04) and interleukin 29 (p = 0.04) were observed. As cytokines can influence metabolic activity, the metabolic phenotype of the stromal vascular fraction was examined, revealing significantly increased mitochondrial respiration in lipedema. In conclusion, despite sharing a comparable lipid profile with healthy adipose tissue, lipedema is characterized by a distinct systemic cytokine profile and metabolic activity of the stromal vascular fraction.
Background: Fluid in lymphedema tissue appears histologically as spaces around vessels and between dermal skin fibers. Lipedema is a painful disease of excess loose connective tissue (fat) in limbs, almost exclusively of women, that worsens by stage, increasing lymphedema risk. Many women with lipedema have hypermobile joints suggesting a connective tissue disorder that may affect vessel structure and compliance of tissue resulting in excess fluid entering the interstitial space. It is unclear if excess fluid is present in lipedema tissue. The purpose of this study is to determine if fluid accumulates around vessels and between skin fibers in the thigh tissue of women with lipedema. Methods: Skin biopsies from the thigh and abdomen from 30 controls and 80 women with lipedema were evaluated for dermal spaces and abnormal vessel phenotype (AVP): (1) rounded endothelial cells; (2) perivascular spaces; and (3) perivascular immune cell infiltrate. Women matched for body mass index (BMI) and age were considered controls if they did not have lipedema on clinical examination. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) or unpaired t-tests using GraphPad Prism Software 7. p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Lipedema tissue mass increases beginning with Stage 1 up to Stage 3, with lipedema fat accumulating more on the limbs than the abdomen. AVP was higher in lipedema thigh (p = 0.003) but not abdomen skin compared with controls. AVP was higher in thigh skin of women with Stage 1 (p = 0.001) and Stage 2 (p = 0.03) but not Stage 3 lipedema versus controls. AVP also was greater in the thigh skin of women with lipedema without obesity versus lipedema with obesity (p < 0.0001). Dermal space was increased in lipedema thigh (p = 0.0003) but not abdomen versus controls. Dermal spaces were also increased in women with lipedema Stage 3 (p < 0.0001) and Stage 2 (p = 0.0007) compared with controls. Conclusion: Excess interstitial fluid in lipedema tissue may originate from dysfunctional blood vessels (microangiopathy). Increased compliance of connective tissue in higher stages of lipedema may allow fluid to disperse into the interstitial space, including between skin dermal fibers. Lipedema may be an early form of lymphedema. NCT02838277.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a common adipose tissue disorder affecting women, characterized by a symmetric subcutaneous adipose tissue deposition, particularly of the lower extremities. Lipedema is usually underdiagnosed, thus remaining an undertreated disease. Importantly, no histopathologic or molecular hallmarks exist to clearly diagnose the disease, which is often misinterpreted as obesity or lymphedema. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The aim of the present study is to characterize in detail morphologic and molecular alterations in the adipose tissue composition of lipedema patients compared with healthy controls. Detailed histopathologic and molecular characterization was performed using lipid and cytokine quantification as well as gene expression arrays. The analysis was conducted on anatomically matched skin and fat tissue biopsies as well as fasting serum probes obtained from 10 lipedema and 11 gender and body mass index-matched control patients. RESULTS: Histologic evaluation of the adipose tissue showed increased intercellular fibrosis and adipocyte hypertrophy. Serum analysis showed an aberrant lipid metabolism without changes in the circulating adipokines. In an adipogenesis gene array, a distinct gene expression profile associated with macrophages was observed. Histologic assessment of the immune cell infiltrate confirmed the increased presence of macrophages, without changes in the T-cell compartment. CONCLUSIONS: Lipedema presents a distinguishable disease with typical tissue architecture and aberrant lipid metabolism, different to obesity or lymphedema. The differentially expressed genes and immune cell infiltration profile in lipedema patients further support these findings.
Lipoedema is associated with widespread adipose tissue expansion, particularly in the proximal extremities. The mechanisms that drive the development of lipoedema are unclear. In this Perspective article, we propose a new model for the pathophysiology of lipoedema. We suggest that lipoedema is an oestrogen-dependent disorder of adipose tissue, which is triggered by a dysfunction of caveolin 1 (CAV1) and subsequent uncoupling of feedback mechanisms between CAV1, the matrix metalloproteinase MMP14 and oestrogen receptors. In addition, reduced CAV1 activity also leads to the activation of ERα and impaired regulation of the lymphatic system through the transcription factor prospero homeobox 1 (PROX1). The resulting upregulation of these factors could effectively explain the main known features of lipoedema, such as adipose hypertrophy, dysfunction of blood and lymphatic vessels, the overall oestrogen dependence and the associated sexual dimorphism, and the mechanical compliance of adipose tissue.
PURPOSE: Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema (BCRL) evaluation is frequently performed using portable measures of limb volume and bioimpedance asymmetry. Here quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is applied to evaluate deep and superficial tissue impairment, in both surgical and contralateral quadrants, to test the hypothesis that BCRL impairment is frequently bilateral and extends beyond regions commonly evaluated with portable external devices. METHODS: 3-T MRI was applied to investigate BCRL topographical impairment. Female BCRL (n = 33; age = 54.1 ± 11.2 years; stage = 1.5 ± 0.8) and healthy (n = 33; age = 49.4 ± 11.0 years) participants underwent quantitative upper limb MRI relaxometry (T2), bioimpedance asymmetry, arm volume asymmetry, and physical evaluation. Parametric tests were applied to evaluate study measurements (i) between BCRL and healthy participants, (ii) between surgical and contralateral limbs, and (iii) in relation to clinical indicators of disease severity. Two-sided p-value < 0.05 was required for significance. RESULTS: Bioimpedance asymmetry was significantly correlated with MRI-measured water relaxation (T2) in superficial tissue. Deep muscle (T2 = 37.6 ± 3.5 ms) and superficial tissue (T2 = 49.8 ± 13.2 ms) relaxation times were symmetric in healthy participants. In the surgical limbs of BCRL participants, deep muscle (T2 = 40.5 ± 4.9 ms) and superficial tissue (T2 = 56.0 ± 14.8 ms) relaxation times were elevated compared to healthy participants, consistent with an edematous micro-environment. This elevation was also observed in contralateral limbs of BCRL participants (deep muscle T2 = 40.3 ± 5.7 ms; superficial T2 = 56.6 ± 13.8 ms). CONCLUSIONS: Regional MRI measures substantiate a growing literature speculating that superficial and deep tissue, in surgical and contralateral quadrants, is affected in BCRL. The implications of these findings in the context of titrating treatment regimens and understanding malignancy recurrence are discussed.
Lipedema is a chronic adipose tissue disorder characterized by the disproportional subcutaneous deposition of fat and is commonly misdiagnosed as lymphedema or obesity. The molecular determinants of the lipedema remain largely unknown and only speculations exist regarding the lymphatic system involvement. The aim of the present study is to characterize the lymphatic vascular involvement in established lipedema. The histological and molecular characterization was conducted on anatomically-matched skin and fat biopsies as well as serum samples from eleven lipedema and ten BMI-matched healthy patients. Increased systemic levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C (P = 0.02) were identified in the serum of lipedema patients. Surprisingly, despite the increased VEGF-C levels no morphological changes of the lymphatic vessels were observed. Importantly, expression analysis of lymphatic and blood vessel-related genes revealed a marked downregulation of Tie2 (P < 0.0001) and FLT4 (VEGFR-3) (P = 0.02) consistent with an increased macrophage infiltration (P = 0.009), without changes in the expression of other lymphatic markers. Interestingly, a distinct local cytokine milieu, with decreased VEGF-A (P = 0.04) and VEGF-D (P = 0.02) expression was identified. No apparent lymphatic anomaly underlies lipedema, providing evidence for the different disease nature in comparison to lymphedema. The changes in the lymphatic-related cytokine milieu might be related to a modified vascular permeability developed secondarily to lipedema progression.
OBJECTIVE: Lipedema is characterized by pain, fatigue, and excessive adipose tissue and sodium accumulation of the lower extremities. This case-control study aims to determine whether sodium or vascular dysfunction is present in the central nervous system. METHODS: Brain magnetic resonance imaging was performed at 3 T in patients with lipedema (n = 15) and control (n = 18) participants matched for sex, age, race, and BMI. Standard anatomical imaging and intracranial angiography were applied to evaluate brain volume and vasculopathy, respectively; arterial spin labeling and sodium magnetic resonance imaging were applied to quantify cerebral blood flow (CBF) (milliliters per 100 grams of tissue/minute) and brain tissue sodium content (millimoles per liter), respectively. A Mann-Whitney U test (significance criteria P < 0.05) was applied to evaluate group differences. RESULTS: No differences in tissue volume, white matter hyperintensities, intracranial vasculopathy, or tissue sodium content were observed between groups. Gray matter CBF was elevated (P = 0.03) in patients with lipedema (57.2 ± 9.6 mL per 100 g/min) versus control participants (49.8 ± 9.1 mL per 100 g/min). CONCLUSIONS: Findings provide evidence that brain sodium and tissue fractions are similar between patients with lipedema and control participants and that patients with lipedema do not exhibit abnormal radiological indicators of intracranial vasculopathy or ischemic injury. Potential explanations for elevated CBF are discussed in the context of the growing literature on lipedema symptomatology and vascular dysfunction.
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