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  • BACKGROUND: Lipoedema is a painful disease in women with circumscribed increased subcutaneous fatty tissue, oedema, pain and bruising. Whereas conservative methods with combined decongestive therapy (manual lymphatic drainage, compression garments) have been well established over the past 50years, surgical therapy with tumescent liposuction has only been used for about 10years and long-term results are unknown. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of liposuction concerning appearance (body shape) and associated complaints after a long-term period. METHODS: A total of 164 patients who had undergone conservative therapy over a period of years, were treated by liposuction under tumescent local anaesthesia with vibrating microcannulas. In a monocentric study, 112 could be re-evaluated with a standardized questionnaire after a mean of 3years and 8months (range 1year and 1month to 7years and 4months) following the initial surgery and a mean of 2years and 11months (8months to 6years and 10months) following the last surgery. RESULTS: All patients showed a distinct reduction of subcutaneous fatty tissue (average 9846mL per person) with improvement of shape and normalization of body proportions. Additionally, they reported either a marked improvement or a complete disappearance of spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, oedema, bruising, restriction of movement and cosmetic impairment, resulting in a tremendous increase in quality of life; all these complaints were reduced significantly (P<0·001). Patients with lipoedema stage II and III showed better improvement compared with patients with stage I. Physical decongestive therapy could be either omitted (22·4% of cases) or continued to a much lower degree. No serious complications (wound infection rate 1·4%, bleeding rate 0·3%) were observed following surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Tumescent liposuction is a highly effective treatment for lipoedema with good morphological and functional long-term results.

  • Lipedema is a disproportional obesity featuring light pressure-induced or spontaneous pain. On the basis of our clinical observations, lymphedema therapy, as practiced in our clinic, reduces the perception of pain beyond leg volume reduction. We therefore aimed to measure pain intensity prior and subsequent to treatment. 38 women with lipedema were enrolled in the study with 19 patients undergoing treatment and 19 serving as the control group using exclusively moisturizers. Treatment consisted of once daily manual lymph drainage (MLD), intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), and multilayered short-stretch bandaging performed throughout a 5-day-course. Pain was evaluated with a 10-item questionnaire, a pain rating scale (PRS), and the Wong-Baker Faces scale. Treatment resulted in a significant reduction of pain with a decrease in mean scores of all three measures. In the control group, only PRS showed significant decrease. Our study results indicate that this treatment regimen not only reduces leg volume and capillary fragility, but also improves pain intensity in patients with lipedema.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a painful, genetically induced abnormal deposition of subcutaneous fat in the extremities of almost exclusively women. The pathogenesis is unknown and no curative treatment is available. Conservative therapy consisting of lymphatic drainage and compression stockings is often recommended, but is only effective against the edema. Some patients show a short-term improvement when treated in this way. The removal of the increased fat tissue of lipedema has become possible by employing advanced liposuction techniques which utilize vibrating microcannulas under tumescent local anesthesia. The effectiveness of this approach to lipedema is the subject of this study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 25 patients were examined before liposuction and six months thereafter. The survey included the measurement of the volume of the legs and several parameters of typical pain and discomfort. The parameters were measured using visual analogue scales (VAS, scale 0-10). RESULTS: The volume of the leg was reduced by 6.99 %. Pain, as the predominant symptom in lipedema, was significantly reduced from 7.2 ± 2.2 to 2.1 ± 2.1 (p < 0.001). Quality of life as a measure of the psychological strain caused by lipedema improved from 8.7 ± 1.7 to 3.6 ± 2.5 (p < 0.001). Other parameters also showed a significant improvement and the over-all severity score improved in all patients. CONCLUSION: Liposuction reduces the symptoms of lipedema significantly.

  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of concomitant idiopathic cyclic edema with Grade II and III cellulite. All patients treated for Grade II and III cellulite were evaluated for idiopathic cyclic edema in a retrospective, quantitative and cross-sectional study. The study was carried out at the Godoy Clinic in the period from 2006 to 2010. All patients with body mass indexes > 25, Grade I cellulite and other causes of edema were excluded. The diagnosis of idiopathic cyclic edema was based on a clinical history and fluid retention throughout the day, in particular difficulty in removing rings on waking in the morning which improves later in the day. All patients with cyclic edema were treated with 75 mg aminaphtone three times daily. Statistical analysis considered the frequency of edema. Of the 82 women evaluated with ages between 18 and 58 years old (mean of 34.9 years) 41 (50.0%) were diagnosed with idiopathic cyclic edema. Idiopathic cyclic edema is an aggravating factor for cellulite and is frequently associated with the more advanced stages of the disease. Its control is essential in the treatment of cellulite.

  • AIM: We evaluated the outcome and risks of tumescence liposuction in patients with advanced lipedema or Dercum's disease. METHODS: Six patients treated at a single center during the years 2004 to 2008 have been included. All patients were female and obese (body mass index 34 to 41.9; mean 38.2+/-3.8) with an age range from 29 to 78 years (mean 55.7+/-20.5 years), five of them had co-morbidities. RESULTS: The total amount of lipoaspirates varied between 1500 mL and 4800 mL. Pain could be reduced in all four patients with Dercum's disease. Large adipose tissue removing implies a better the outcome for pain. Patient's satisfaction was "high" or "very high" in 5 and "medium" in one. The most common adverse effect was met-hemoglobulinemia (N.=4). CONCLUSION: Tumescence liposuction is a treatment option for lipedema and Dercum's disease. With careful monitoring the procedure is safe even for patients in advanced stages, higher age and with co-morbidities.

  • Einleitung: Bei einem Lipödem liegt eine anlagebedingte Fettgewebsvermehrung vor, bei der es zu einer symmetrischen Verdickung der Extremitäten kommt. Klinisch ist für das Lipödem eine Druckschmerzhaftigkeit charakteristisch. Bei länger bestehendem Lipödem kann man beobachten, dass bei einem Teil der Patientinnen zusätzliche Beschwerden auftreten. Die betroffenen Frauen erleben auf Grund der massiven Schwellungen dann, neben einem ausgeprägten Spannungs- und Schweregefühl der Beine, physische und psychische Belastungen, wodurch Sportangebote häufig nicht wahrgenommen werden und die soziale Interaktionen eingeschränkt ist. Studiendesign: Die vorliegende prospektive randomisierte Studie wurde zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit eines vibrationsgestützten Krafttrainings mit dem Galileo-System im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Training zur Aktivierung der Beinmuskelpumpe bei Patientinnen mit Lipödem durchgeführt. Die Probanden beider Gruppen erhielten 12 Anwendungen in einem Zeitraum von sechs Wochen. Zur Beurteilung des Therapieverlaufs wurde die Druckschmerzschwelle im Beinbereich mithilfe der visuellen Analogskala (VAS) und der Dolorimetrie an definierten Messpunkten erfasst. Nebenzielkriterien waren die Volumenreduktion und die Verbesserung funktioneller Parameter sowie der Lebensqualität. Die Erhebung der Outcomeparameter erfolgte vor der Intervention (U1), vor der letzen Trainingseinheit (U2) und 6 Wochen nach Therapieende (U3). Ergebnisse: Das Vibrationstraining (n=27) und die Venengymnastik (n=17) zeigten bezüglich der Schmerzlinderung signifikante Verbesserungen im Therapieverlauf. Die Druckschmerzschwelle konnte erhöht werden. Die Auswertung der Fragebögen zu Hämatomneigung und Schmerzempfinden ergab in der Interventionsgruppe eine signifikante Beschwerdelinderung im Therapieverlauf. In beiden Gruppen konnte eine subjektive Verbesserung der Mobilität und ein positiver Einfluss auf die Lebensstiländerung verzeichnet werden. Die im Gehtest beurteilte Ausdauerleistung verbesserte sich ebenfalls. Diskussion: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl mit herkömmlicher Krankengymnastik als auch durch ein gerätegestütztes Vibrationstraining zwei wesentliche Symptome des Lipödems, nämlich Druckschmerzhaftigkeit und Hämatomneigung, positiv beeinflusst werden können. Somit lässt sich die Notwendigkeit unterstreichen, dass eine Therapie des Lipödems durch eine Bewegungstherapie ergänzt werden sollte.

  • Lipedema is a disproportional obesity featuring frequent hematoma formation due to even minor traumatic injuries. On the basis of clinical observations, complete decongestive physiotherapy diminishes the incidence of hematomas due to minor injuries beyond leg volume reduction. Hematoma development may be caused by altered capillary resistance (CR) or altered capillary fragility (CF). We measured capillary fragility (CF) before and after complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) to examine, whether CDP could reduce CF. 38 women with lipedema were included in the study. Twenty-one (21) patients were treated with CDP and 17 using exclusively moisturizers as the control group. CDP comprised once daily manual lymph drainage, intermittent pneumatic compression and multilayered short-stretch bandaging performed throughout a 5-day-course. CF was evaluated with the vacuum suction method (VSM) using Parrot's angiosterrometer in both groups. Decongestive therapy resulted in a significant reduction of the number of petechiae while no change was detected within the control group. Complete decongestive physiotherapy significantly reduced CF in patients with lipedema and this reduction may lead to reduced hematoma formation.

  • Lipedema is a disproportional obesity for which evidence-based treatment is not currently available. We studied whether complete decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) alone or combined with intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) could improve the treatment outcome in women with lipedema using a prospective, randomized trial. Eleven patients received CDP (60 min) and thirteen CDP (30 min) plus IPC (30 min) once daily in a 5-day-course. Subsequent to drainage, all subjects received multilayered compression bandaging, physical exercise and skin care. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by limb volume reduction. Both groups achieved significant reductions in mean lower extremity volume (p < 0.05). The addition of IPC is safe, although it provides no synergistic benefit to CDP in leg volume reduction under these study conditions.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a rare and painful disease in women. Until recently, it could be treated only by conservative methods (combined physical therapy). OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy and safety of surgery (liposuction) concerning appearance and associated complaints. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients, who had undergone conservative therapy over a period of years, were treated by liposuction under tumescent local anesthesia with vibrating microcannulas. Twenty-one could be reevaluated after an average of 12.2 (1-26) months. RESULTS: All showed great improvement, with normalization of body proportions. Additionally, spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, and bruising either disappeared completely or improved markedly. Other than minor swelling for a few days, no complications could be observed following surgery. All patients reported a tremendous increase in their quality of life. Physical therapy had to be continued to a much lower degree. CONCLUSION: Tumescent liposuction has proved to be a safe and effective treatment for lipedema.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)