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  • Background: An adequate dietary energy supply is particularly important in patients with lipedema as it promotes weight and fat loss. Accurate estimation of resting metabolic rate (RMR) allows implementing a proper calorie restriction diet in patients with lipedema. Therefore, an accurate assessment of energy demand in patients with lipedema is crucial in clinical practice. Our study aimed to compare actual resting metabolic rate (aRMR) with predicted resting metabolic rate (pRMR) in women with lipedema and to determine the association between individual anthropometric measurements and aRMR.Methods: A total of 108 women diagnosed with lipedema were enrolled in the study. aRMR was measured by indirect calorimetry (IC) using FitMate WM metabolic system (Cosmed, Rome, Italy). pRMR was estimated with predictive equations and BIA. All anthropometric measurements were based on BIA (bioelectric impedance analysis).Results: The mean aRMR in the study group was 1705.2 ± 320.7 kcal/day. Most methods of predicted RMR measurement used in our study significantly underpredicted aRMR in patients with lipedema. We reported statistically significant high correlations between all anthropometric measurements and aRMR/pRMR and a moderate correlation between visceral fat level (VFL) and aRMR. Conclusions: aRMR in patients with lipedema calculated with predictive equations was significantly lower than aRMR measured with other methods. This study found the agreement of predictive equations compared to IC is low (<60%). Fat-free mass (FFM) is a stronger determinant of RMR in patients with lipedema than fat mass.

  • Attention has been drawn to the role of changes in visceral adipose tissue rather than subcutaneous adipose tissue in the relationship between adipokines and dysfunctional adipose tissue. Especially in lipedema in which subcutaneous adipose tissue is affected, information about adipokines is insufficient. In this study, it was aimed to investigate adiponectin, ghrelin, resistin and visfatin levels and their relationship with adipose tissue thickness in patients with lipedema. For this purpose, subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness was evaluated objectively by ultrasonography. A total of 19 female patients diagnosed with lipedema and 15 healthy women with no age difference were included in the study. Skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness were measured ultrasonographically. Serum levels of adiponectin, ghrein, resistin and visfatin of all subjects were measured using sandwich ELISA protocol. In patients with lipedema, subcutaneous subcutaneous tissue thickness and total skin-subcutaneous thickness were significantly increased in the thigh and calf, excluding skin thickness in the thigh, compared to controls (P0.05). No significant correlation was found between adiponectin, ghrelin, resistin and visfatin and skin, subcutaneous and total thickness measurements by ultrasound in patients with lipedema and controls (P>0.05). Although not statistically significant, when examined in detail, positive or negative correlations were observed between the groups in the relationship between adipokines and ultrasound measurements. According to our findings, although no significant relationship was found between serum levels of adipokines and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness, it is controversial that they are completely unrelated. Further studies in larger series will shed light on the relationship between adipokines and subcutaneous tissue thickness and the importance of ultrasonography. , Adipokinler ve disfonksiyonel yağ dokusu arasındaki ilişkide subkutan yağ dokusundan ziyade viseral yağ dokusundaki değişikliklerin rolüne dikkat çekilmiştir. Özellikle cilt altı yağ dokusunun etkilendiği lipödemde adipokinler hakkında bilgi yetersizdir. Bu çalışmada lipödemli hastalarda adiponektin, ghrelin, resistin ve visfatin düzeylerinin ve bunların yağ doku kalınlığı ile ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Bu amaçla cilt altı yağ dokusu kalınlığı ultrasonografi ile objektif olarak değerlendirildi. Lipödem tanısı almış toplam 19 kadın hasta ve yaş farkı olmayan 15 sağlıklı kadın çalışmaya dahil edildi. Deri ve deri altı yağ dokusu kalınlıkları ultrasonografik olarak ölçüldü. Tüm deneklerin serum adiponektin, ghrein, resistin ve visfatin seviyeleri sandviç ELISA protokolü kullanılarak ölçüldü. Lipödemli hastalarda, uyluk ve baldırda subkutan subkutan doku kalınlığı ve toplam deri-subkutan kalınlığı kontrollere kıyasla, uyluktaki deri kalınlığı dışında önemli ölçüde arttı (P0.05). Lipödemli hastalarda ve kontrollerde ultrason ile adiponektin, ghrelin, resistin ve visfatin ile deri, deri altı ve toplam kalınlık ölçümleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmadı (P>0.05). İstatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmasa da detaylı incelendiğinde adipokinler ve ultrason ölçümleri arasındaki ilişkide gruplar arasında pozitif veya negatif korelasyonlar gözlendi. Bulgularımıza göre, serum adipokin düzeyleri ile deri altı yağ dokusu kalınlığı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamakla birlikte, tamamen ilgisiz oldukları tartışmalıdır. Daha geniş serilerde yapılacak çalışmalar adipokinlerin cilt altı doku kalınlığı ile ilişkisine ve ultrasonografinin önemine ışık tutacaktır.

  • Lower extremity edema is a common complaint of patients across all medical specialties. This is a wide group of conditions, ranging from relatively minor conditions such as false swelling in lipedema to life-threatening conditions such as heart failure and nephrotic syndrome. The most common cause of chronic edema is chronic venous disease. High-quality differential diagnosis aims to determine the etiology of edema and initiate targeted treatment.

  • Lipoedema has received increased attention in recent years. Overlaps with obesity sometimes make it difficult to differentiate. However, this is important for a differentiated targeted therapy. Definition and clinic Lipoedema is a painful, genetic, exces sive increase in adipose tissue on the extremities in women. This leads to a disproportion of the body. The first symptoms often manifest themselves in puberty, the course is usually progressive. Characteristic symptoms are pain at rest and pressure, tendency to hematoma, feelings of tension and swelling, rapid fatigue of the muscles and edema, which are inconsistent depending on the stage. 25–88 % of lipoedema patients suffer from obesity at the same time. Prevalence Depending on the study, 5–9.7 %, corresponding to 2–4 million women in Germany. Etiology Family disposition is obvious. Hormonal changes are trigger factors and suggest hormonal influences. In the tissue there is a slight chronic inflammation (silent inflammation), which explains the symptoms. Diagnosis The diagnosis is made clinically and must be distin guished from other fat distribution disorders. The BMI is not suitable. The waist circumference-size quotient (BCG = WHtR Waist to Height-Ratio) should be used. Therapy interdisciplinary therapeutic approach,which inaddi tion to conservative decongestion therapy, surgical therapy by liposuction also includes nutrition, exercise and psychotherapy.

  • PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The regulation of blood pressure is conventionally conceptualised into the product of "circulating blood volume" and "vasoconstriction components". Over the last few years, however, demonstration of tissue sodium storage challenged this dichotomous view. RECENT FINDINGS: We review the available evidence pertaining to this phenomenon and the early association made with blood pressure; we discuss open questions regarding its originally proposed hypertonic nature, recently challenged by the suggestion of a systemic, isotonic, water paralleled accumulation that mirrors absolute or relative extracellular volume expansion; we present the established and speculate on the putative implications of this extravascular sodium excess, in either volume-associated or -independent form, on blood pressure regulation; finally, we highlight the prevalence of high tissue sodium in cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory conditions other than hypertension. We conclude on approaches to reduce sodium excess and on the potential of emerging imaging technologies in hypertension and other conditions.

  • Volume overload, defined as excess total body sodium and water with expansion of extracellular fluid volume, characterizes common disorders such as congestive heart failure, end-stage liver disease, chronic kidney disease, and nephrotic syndrome. Diuretics are the cornerstone of therapy for volume overload and comprise several classes whose mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, and adverse effects are essential principles of nephrology. Loop diuretics are typically the first-line treatment in the management of hypervolemia, with additional drug classes indicated in cases of diuretic resistance and electrolyte or acid-base disorders. Separately, clinical trials highlight improved outcomes in some states of volume overload, such as loop diuretics and sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors in patients with congestive heart failure. Resistance to diuretics is a frequent, multifactorial clinical challenge that requires creative and physiology-based solutions. In this installment of AJKD's Core Curriculum in Nephrology, we discuss the pharmacology and therapeutic use of diuretics in states of volume overload and strategies to overcome diuretic resistance.

  • Lipedema PubMed published article

  • El lipedema es un trastorno crónico que se presenta en mujeres durante la pubertad u otros momentos de cambios hormonales como en el embarazo o la menopausia.  Es caracterizado por una obesidad desproporcionada de las extremidades, especialmente en caderas y piernas, asociado a hematomas con mínimo trauma y dolor espontáneo o inducido por presión. Usualmente es mal diagnoticado e infratratado y suele confundirse con otras enfermedades como la obesidad y linfedema. Su causa aún se sigue estudiando, existen hipótesis sobre su origen poligenético regulado por los estrógenos, por el inicio de la enfermedad en etapas de cambio hormonal y debido a que se presenta mayormente en mujeres. Los tratamiento para el lipedema se basa en seis pilares: 1) Fisioterapia-ejercicios, 2) Terapia compresiva, 3) Control de peso, 4) Liposucción, 5) Terapia psicosocial-6) Automanejo.

  • The quantitative assessment of lymphatic dermal clearance using NIR fluorescent tracers is particularly important for the early diagnosis of several potential disabling diseases. Currently, half-life values are computed using a mono-exponential mathematical model, neglecting diffusion of the tracer within the dermis after injection. The size and position of the region of interest are subjectively manually selected around the point of injection on the skin surface where the fluorescence signal intensity is averaged, neglecting any spatial information contained in the image. In this study we present and test a novel mathematical model allowing the objective quantification of dermal clearance, taking into consideration potential dermal diffusion. With only two parameters, this "clearance-diffusion" model is simple enough to be applied in a variety of settings and requires almost no prior information about the system. We demonstrate that if dermal diffusion is low, the mono-exponential approach is suitable but still lacking objectivity. However, if dermal diffusion is substantial, the clearance-diffusion model is superior and allows the accurate calculation of half-life values.

  • OBJECTIVE: Upper extremity lymphedema (UEL) is a burdensome disease with significant impact on quality of life underscoring the importance of quality of life measurements in this patient population. Only recently, the LYMPH Q Upper Extremity Module, a new patient-reported outcome measurement (PROM), has been developed. The aim of the study was to translate the LYMPH Q Upper Extremity Module from English to German and perform a comprehensive validation. METHODS: Translation was performed in accordance with the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) best-practice guidelines. To validate the German LYMPH Q, a multicenter study was conducted. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Reliability was assessed by the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). To analyse construct validity, a Pearson correlation coefficient between the LYMPH Q, quickDASH and SF-36 was calculated. Responsiveness was assessed by comparing the pre- and postoperative LYMPH Q scores in five patients receiving lymphatic reconstructive surgery. RESULTS: Validation was performed in a cohort of 65 patients. Internal consistency of the different domains was good to excellent (α: 0.87-0.97). ICC ranged from 0.74 to 0.92. The domains of the LYMPH Q correlated significantly with the corresponding domains of the SF-36 and quick DASH. Construct validity was good with eight of ten hypotheses confirmed. Significant improvements of function (46.4 ± 13.3 vs. 77.8 ± 11.5; p= 0.03), symptoms (42.0 ± 10.7 vs. 70.6 ± 11.6; p= 0.02) and psychological well-being (40.4 ± 14.6 vs. 78.0 ± 17.3; p= 0.03) were observed after lymphatic reconstructive surgery. CONCLUSION: The German version of The LYMPH Q Upper Extremity Module is conceptually equivalent to the original English version. It is a reliable and valid PROM to assess physical and psychological impairments in patients with UEL.

  • Lipedema is a disabling disease characterized by symmetric enlargement of the lower and/or upper limbs due to deposits of subcutaneous fat, that is easily misdiagnosed. Lipedema can be primary or syndromic, and can be the main feature of phenotypically overlapping disorders. The aim of this study was to design a next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel to help in the diagnosis of lipedema by identifying genes specific for lipedema but also genes for overlapping diseases, and targets for tailored treatments. We developed an NGS gene panel consisting of 305 genes potentially associated with lipedema and putative overlapping diseases relevant to lipedema. The genomes of 162 Italian and American patients with lipedema were sequenced. Twenty-one deleterious variants, according to 3 out of 5 predictors, were detected in PLIN1, LIPE, ALDH18A1, PPARG, GHR, INSR, RYR1, NPC1, POMC, NR0B2, GCKR, PPARA in 17 patients. This extended NGS-based approach has identified a number of gene variants that may be important in the diagnosis of lipedema, that may affect the phenotypic presentation of lipedema or that may cause disorders that could be confused with lipedema. This tool may be important for the diagnosis and treatment of people with pathologic subcutaneous fat tissue accumulation.

  • BACKGROUND: Despite an increasing demand for surgical treatment of lipedema, the evidence for liposuction is still limited to five peer-reviewed publications. Little is known about the influence of disease stage, patient age, body mass index, or existing comorbidities on clinical outcomes. Considering the chronically progressive nature of lipedema, it was hypothesized that younger patients with lower body mass index and stage would report better results. METHODS: This retrospective, single-center, noncomparative study included lipedema patients who underwent liposuction between July of 2009 and July of 2019. After a minimum of 6 months since the last surgery, all patients completed a disease-related questionnaire. The primary endpoint was the need for complex decongestive therapy based on a composite score. Secondary endpoints were the severity of complaints (i.e., spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, feeling of tension, bruising, impairment of body image) measured on a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: One hundred six patients underwent a total of 298 large-volume liposuctions (mean lipoaspirate, 6355 ± 2797 ml). After a median follow-up of 20 months (interquartile range, 10 to 42 months), a median complex decongestive therapy score reduction of 37.5 percent (interquartile range, 0 to 88.8 percent; p < 0.0001) was observed. An improvement in lipedema-associated symptoms was also observed (p < 0.0001). The percentage reduction in complex decongestive therapy scores was greater in patients with a body mass index less than or equal to 35 kg/m2; (compared to higher body mass index; p < 0.0001) and in stage I and II patients (compared to stage III patients; p = 0.0019). CONCLUSION: Liposuction reduces the severity of symptoms and the need for conservative treatment in lipedema patients, especially if it is performed in patients with a body mass index below 35 kg/m2; at an early stage of the disease. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, IV.

  • Lymphatic drainage is the main form of therapy for lymphedema, as it affects the pathophysiology of this clinical condition. The two main objectives of lymphatic drainage are the formation and drainage of lymph. In recent years, Godoy &amp; Godoy developed a novel concept of mechanical lymphatic drainage involving a device denominated RAGodoy®, which performs passive exercises of the lower and upper limbs as a form of lymphatic drainage. The aim of the present study was to address the concept of this therapy as well as perform a literature review on its forms of use and the results obtained. All studies analyzed show that this technique used as monotherapy enables the treatment of lymphedema, but superior results are achieved when combined with compression mechanisms.

  • Background: There is insufficient clear epidemiological and clinical knowledge about lymphedema patient’s population in Mexico, this limits its investigation. The objective of this study is to present basic lymphedema epidemiological data and its clinical characteristics based on the analysis of lymphedema patients’ data collected from a specialized rehabilitation clinic in Mexico. Methods: This is a cohort study developed between 2015 and 2021. The study was carried ou in a private clinic specialized in oncological and peripheral vascular patients’ rehabilitation. Clinical assessments and interviews were performed to collect each case’s clinical history, considering its medical characteristics, physical activity and functionality and socio-demographic information, classified in a matrix, and later statistically evaluated. Results: Among 446 lymphedema patients, gender distribution was represented by 81% female and 19% male with a mean age of 50.5 years (±44.5). The population was categorized into the following three different study groups according to diagnosis: Cancer-Related Lymphedema (CRL), Non-Cancer-Related Secondary Lymphedema (NCRSL) and Primary Lymphedema. 60.08% of the patients had CRL; 25.11% had NCRSL and 14.79% had Primary Lymphedema. Among the patients with CRL, 81% of them corresponded to breast cancer diagnosis, the rest were associated to 19 different cancer diagnoses. The most prevalent diagnosis was breast CRL 48.6%; phlebolymphedema 19.4%; congenital and praecox lymphedema 14.1%; lipo-lymphedema 4.8%. The BMI of 64% of the patients ranged in overweight and obesity. 37.6% of patients reported that had experienced pain in limbs affected by lymphedema and 45% of all patients reported some disability to perform one or more activities associated to their limb volume or limb discomfort. 82% of patients had no physical activity or performed less physical activity than what is suggested to their population group’s recommendation. Conclusion: This study stablishes a precedent on reporting the broadest available epidemiological and clinical data of lymphedema in Mexico. Further studies are needed to report with a higher precision the epidemiological, clinical, and demographical data about each etiological group for a better understanding of lymphedema in Mexico and Latin America.

  • In daily practice, medical history and physical examination are commonly coupled with anthropometric measurements for the diagnosis and management of patients with lymphatic diseases. Herein, considering the current progress of ultrasound imaging in accurately assessing the superficial soft tissues of the human body; it is noteworthy that ultrasound examination has the potential to augment the diagnostic process. In this sense/report, briefly revisiting the most common clinical maneuvers described in the pertinent literature, the authors try to match them with possible (static and dynamic) sonographic assessment techniques to exemplify/propose an 'ultrasound-guided' physical examination for different tissues in the evaluation of lymphedema.

  • Left ventricular (LV) twist is defined as the wringing motion of the LV around its long-axis during systole generated by rotation of the LV apex in a counterclockwise direction, as viewed from the apex, while the LV base moves in a clockwise direction. In several cases, the LV apex and base move in the same direction during ejection demonstrating a special condition called as LV 'rigid body rotation'. The present review aimed to summarize our knowledge about this rare but not fully understood entity demonstrating its theoretic pathophysiologic background, clinical significance, associated diseases, and reversibility based on available literature.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema often remains undiagnosed in patients with obesity, leading to mismanagement of treatment. Because of this, despite remarkable weight loss after bariatric surgery and decreases in hip and abdomen circumference, some patients show only small decreases in circumference of the extremities and report persistent limb pain. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this work is to raise awareness of lipedema coincident with obesity, mistakenly diagnosed as obesity alone, in order to ensure the correct diagnosis of the condition and to achieve better treatment outcomes for people with lipedema and coincident obesity. SETTING: CG Lympha Clinic, Cologne, and Ernst von Bergmann Clinic, Potsdam. METHODS: From clinical records, we identified 13 patients who were diagnosed with lipedema only after undergoing bariatric surgery. We describe the course of their pain before and after bariatric surgery, focusing on the long-term progression of symptoms accompanying the disease. RESULTS: Lipedema cannot be cured by bariatric surgery, and although the patients in this study lost an average of more than 50 kg of weight, they displayed no improvement in the pain symptoms typical of lipedema. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the different etiologies of lipedema and obesity, lipedema requires its own specific treatment. Patients suffering from obesity should always be assessed for pain and lipedema. If coincident lipedema is diagnosed, we suggest that bariatric surgery only be performed first if diet and exercise have failed, the patient's body mass index is >40 kg/m2, and the patient has been informed of the possible persistence of pain. Lipedema, like a coincident disease, must be additionally treated conservatively or preferably surgically. This optimized treatment may help to better manage patient expectations after weight loss.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)