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The purpose of this work was to quantify 3.0 T (i) T(1) and T(2) relaxation times of in vivo human lymph nodes (LNs) and (ii) LN relaxometry differences between healthy LNs and LNs from patients with lymphatic insufficiency secondary to breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema (BCRL). MR relaxometry was performed over bilateral axillary regions at 3.0 T in healthy female controls (105 LNs from 20 participants) and patients with BCRL (108 LNs from 20 participants). Quantitative T(1) maps were calculated using a multi-flip-angle (20, 40, 60°) method with B(1) correction (dual-T(R) method, T(R1) /T(R2) = 30/130 ms), and T(2) maps using a multi-echo (T(E) = 9-189 ms; 12 ms intervals) method. T(1) and T(2) were quantified in the LN cortex and hilum. A Mann-Whitney U-test was applied to compare LN relaxometry values between patients and controls (significance, two sided, p < 0.05). Linear regression was applied to evaluate how LN relaxometry varied with age, BMI, and clinical indicators of disease. LN substructure relaxation times (mean ± standard deviation) in healthy controls were T(1) cortex, 1435 ± 391 ms; T(1) hilum, 714 ± 123 ms; T(2) cortex, 102 ± 12 ms, and T(2) hilum, 119 ± 21 ms. T(1) of the LN cortex was significantly reduced in the contralateral axilla of BCRL patients compared with the axilla on the surgical side (p < 0.001) and compared with bilateral control values (p < 0.01). The LN cortex T(1) asymmetry discriminated cases from controls (p = 0.004) in a multiple linear regression, accounting for age and BMI. Human 3.0 T T(1) and T(2) relaxation times in axillary LNs were quantified for the first time in vivo. Measured values are relevant for optimizing acquisition parameters in anatomical lymphatic imaging sequences, and can serve as a reference for novel functional and molecular LN imaging methods that require quantitative knowledge of LN relaxation times.
Lipoedema is painful nodular subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) on legs and arms of women sparing the trunk. People with Dercum disease (DD) have painful SAT masses. Lipoedema and DD fat resists loss by diet and exercise. Treatments other than surgery are needed. Six women with lipoedema and one with DD underwent twelve 90-min sessions over 4 weeks. Body composition by dual X-ray absorptiometry scan, leg volume, weight, pain, bioimpedance, tissue size by caliper and ultrasound were analysed before and after SAT therapy by paired t-tests. There was a significant decrease from baseline to end of treatment in weight, 87.6 ± 21 to 86.1 ± 20.5 kg (P = 0.03), leg fat mass 17.8 ± 7.7 to 17.4 ± 7.6 kg (P = 0.008), total leg volume 12.9 ± 4 to 12 ± 3.5 L (P = 0.007), six of 20 calliper sites and tissue oedema. Pain scores did not change significantly. By ultrasound, six women had 22 hyperechoic masses in leg fat that resolved after treatment; five women developed seven new masses. Fascia improved by ultrasound after treatment. SAT therapy reduced amount and structure of fat in women with lipoedema and Dercum disease; studies are needed to compare SAT therapy to other therapies.
Background Lipedema is a chronic disorder presenting in women during puberty or other times of hormonal change such as childbirth or menopause, characterized by symmetric enlargement of nodular, painful subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat) in the limbs, sparing the hands, feet and trunk. Healthcare providers underdiagnose or misdiagnose lipedema as obesity or lymphedema. Materials and methods The benefits (friend) and negative aspects (foe) of lipedema were collected from published literature, discussions with women with lipedema, and institutional review board approved evaluation of medical charts of 46 women with lipedema. Results Lipedema is a foe because lifestyle change does not reduce lipedema fat, the fat is painful, can become obese, causes gait and joint abnormalities, fatigue, lymphedema and psychosocial distress. Hypermobility associated with lipedema can exacerbate joint disease and aortic disease. In contrast, lipedema fat can be a friend as it is associated with relative reductions in obesity-related metabolic dysfunction. In new data collected, lipedema was associated with a low risk of diabetes (2%), dyslipidemia (11.7%) and hypertension (13%) despite an obese average body mass index (BMI) of 35.3 ± 1.7 kg/m2. Conclusion Lipedema is a painful psychologically distressing fat disorder, more foe than friend especially due to associated obesity and lymphedema. More controlled studies are needed to study the mechanisms and treatments for lipedema.
Background Lipedema is a chronic disorder presenting in women during puberty or other times of hormonal change such as childbirth or menopause, characterized by symmetric enlargement of nodular, painful subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat) in the limbs, sparing the hands, feet and trunk. Healthcare providers underdiagnose or misdiagnose lipedema as obesity or lymphedema. Materials and methods The benefits (friend) and negative aspects (foe) of lipedema were collected from published literature, discussions with women with lipedema, and institutional review board approved evaluation of medical charts of 46 women with lipedema. Results Lipedema is a foe because lifestyle change does not reduce lipedema fat, the fat is painful, can become obese, causes gait and joint abnormalities, fatigue, lymphedema and psychosocial distress. Hypermobility associated with lipedema can exacerbate joint disease and aortic disease. In contrast, lipedema fat can be a friend as it is associated with relative reductions in obesity-related metabolic dysfunction. In new data collected, lipedema was associated with a low risk of diabetes (2%), dyslipidemia (11.7%) and hypertension (13%) despite an obese average body mass index (BMI) of 35.3 ± 1.7 kg/m2. Conclusion Lipedema is a painful psychologically distressing fat disorder, more foe than friend especially due to associated obesity and lymphedema. More controlled studies are needed to study the mechanisms and treatments for lipedema.
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that tissue sodium and adipose content are elevated in patients with lipedema; if confirmed, this could establish precedence for tissue sodium and adipose content representing a discriminatory biomarker for lipedema. METHODS: Participants with lipedema (n = 10) and control (n = 11) volunteers matched for biological sex, age, BMI, and calf circumference were scanned with 3.0-T sodium and conventional proton magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Standardized tissue sodium content was quantified in the calf skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), and muscle. Dixon MRI was employed to quantify tissue fat and water volumes of the calf. Nonparametric statistical tests were applied to compare regional sodium content and fat-to-water volume between groups (significance: two-sided P ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: Skin (P = 0.01) and SAT (P = 0.04) sodium content were elevated in lipedema (skin: 14.9 ± 2.9 mmol/L; SAT: 11.9 ± 3.1 mmol/L) relative to control participants (skin: 11.9 ± 2.0 mmol/L; SAT: 9.4 ± 1.6 mmol/L). Relative fat-to-water volume in the calf was elevated in lipedema (1.2 ± 0.48 ratio) relative to control participants (0.63 ± 0.26 ratio; P < 0.001). Skin sodium content was directly correlated with fat-to-water volume (Spearman's rho = 0.54; P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Internal metrics of tissue sodium and adipose content are elevated in patients with lipedema, potentially providing objective imaging-based biomarkers for differentially diagnosing the under-recognized condition of lipedema from obesity.
Several imaging modalities have been used to assess lymphatic function, including fluorescence microscopy, near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging, and Doppler optical coherence tomography (DOCT). They vary in how the mouse is positioned, the invasiveness of the experimental setup, and the volume of contrast agent injected. Here, we present how each of these experimental parameters affects functional measurements of collecting lymphatic vessels. First, fluorescence microscopy showed that supine mice have a statistically lower contraction frequency compared with mice sitting upright. To assess the effect of different injection volumes on these endpoints, mice were injected with 4, 10, or 20 μl of dye. The lowest frequencies were observed after 20-μl injections. Interestingly, lymph-flow DOCT revealed that although there was lower contraction frequency in mice injected with 20 μl versus 4 μl, mice showed a higher volumetric flow with a 20-μl injection. This indicates that contraction frequency alone is not sufficient to understand lymphatic transport. Finally, NIRF revealed that removing the skin reduced contraction frequency. Therefore, this study reveals how sensitive these techniques are to mouse position, removal of skin, and dye volume. Care should be taken when comparing results obtained under different experimental conditions.
Whereas the blood microvasculature constitutes a biological barrier to the action of blood-borne insulin on target tissues, the lymphatic microvasculature might act as a barrier to subcutaneously administrated insulin reaching the circulation. Here, we evaluate the interaction of insulin with primary microvascular endothelial cells of lymphatic [human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (HDLEC)] and blood [human adipose microvascular endothelial cells (HAMEC)] origin, derived from human dermal and adipose tissues, respectively. HDLEC express higher levels of insulin receptor and signal in response to insulin as low as 2.5 nM, while HAMEC only activate signaling at 100 nM (a dose that blood vessels do not normally encounter). Low insulin acts specifically through the insulin receptor, while supraphysiological insulin acts through both the IR and insulin growth factor-1 receptor. At supraphysiological or injection site-compatible doses pertinent to lymphatic microvessels, insulin enters HAMEC and HDLEC via fluid-phase endocytosis. Conversely, at physiologically circulating doses (0.2 nM) pertinent to blood microvessels, insulin enters HAMEC through a receptor-mediated process requiring IR autophosphorylation but not downstream insulin signaling. At physiological doses, internalized insulin is barely degraded and is instead released intact to the extracellular medium. In conclusion, we document for the first time the mechanism of interaction of insulin with lymphatic endothelial cells, which may be relevant to insulin absorption during therapeutic injections. Furthermore, we describe distinct action and uptake routes for insulin at physiological and supraphysiological doses in blood microvascular endothelial cells, providing a potential explanation for previously conflicting studies on endothelial insulin uptake.
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- Lipedema (5)
- Open Access (5)
- Original studies and data (6)
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- Therapeutics (1)
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- Journal Article (7)
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- Open Access (5)