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PURPOSE: Lymphoscintigraphy has emerged as the diagnostic test of choice in patients with suspected lymphedema. To assess the lymphatic circulation of 386 extremities in 188 patients, we prospectively recorded a semiquantitative index of lymphatic transport in addition to visual evaluation of lymphoscintigraphy image patterns. METHODS: Sixty-one male and 127 female patients were studied (mean age 48 years, range 13 to 87 years). Twenty had upper extremity swelling, and 168 had lower extremity swelling. The disease was bilateral in 60 patients. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed by injecting a mean of 503 microCi of technetium 99m-antimony trisulfide colloid subcutaneously into the second interdigital space of the extremity. Time for transport to regional lymph nodes, appearance of lymph vessels and nodes and distribution pattern were scored. These scores were compiled into a modified Kleinhans transport index (TI). To assess the venous circulation, 155 patients underwent evaluation of the venous system by impedance plethysmography, ultrasonography, or contrast venography. RESULTS: The mean TI (+/- SEM) in 79 asymptomatic extremities was 2.6 +/- 0.5, with 66 (83.5%) demonstrating normal lymphoscintigraphy pattern (TI < 5). Patients with clinical diagnosis of lymphedema (n = 124) had a mean TI of 23.8 +/- 1.5; 81.5% of these were greater than 5. Fifty-six patients (30%) had primary and 68 (36%) had secondary lymphedema. (TI of 26 +/- 3.5 and 22.1 +/- 1.9, respectively, p = NS). Patients without any lymphatic transport (TI of 45) were more likely to have cellulitis in their history (p < 0.05). Contrast lymphangiography in six patients correlated with lymphoscintigraphy. Sixty-four patients (34%) had swelling without lymphedema (venous edema, cardiac edema, lipedema, etc.; TI of 1.9 +/- 0.4, p < 0.001). Of the 41 patients with abnormal venous studies, 18 (44%) had an elevated TI. CONCLUSIONS: Semiquantitative evaluation of the lymphatic transport with lymphoscintigraphy reliably depicts abnormalities in the lymphatic circulation. Lymphoscintigraphy excluded lymphedema as a cause of leg swelling in one third of our patients.
Twelve patients with primary lymphedema of the lower limb were examined with computed tomography (CT). A characteristic "honeycomb" pattern of the subcutaneous compartment was seen in 10 of these patients. CT scans in nine other patients with swollen leg secondary to chronic venous disease or lipedema did not show this characteristic pattern. CT may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of a swollen leg, thus obviating venography or lymphangiography.
« La parenté de l'ædeme chronique avec la lipomatose a depuis long lemps frappé les auteurs » ( 1 ) . Le cas actuel que nous publions aujourd'hui, après l'avoir présenté en quelques mots à la Société de Neurologie ( 2) , vient à l'appui de celle rollesion Ichard et L. Lévi. OBSERVATION ( PI. LXV ). Il s'agit d'une brodeuse de 39 ans, Mlle Eugénie B ... 1, venue à notre consul tation de l'hôpital Laënnec pour grosseur anormale des membres inférieurs . Antécédenis héréditaires -- La mère est morte à 25 ans, de tuberculose aiguë (alcoolisme possible). Son père est mort à 56 ans, très probablement d'un cancer du pylore. Eugénie B ... a une scur âgée de 41 ans, bien portante. Une de ses tantes aurait eu , pendant longtemps, de la difficulté à marcher . Antécédents personnels. -- Mile B ... n'a jamais été malade. Elle se souvient que, vers l'âge de 8 ans, elle avait déjà de gros mollets qui faisaient l'admira tion de ses camarades ; néanmoins, en promenade, elle se fatiguait plus vite que ses compagnes. Elle n'a jamais ressenti de douleurs vives dans les mem bres inférieurs. A 14 ans ses règles apparaissent régulières, avec un peu de dysmenorrhée. A 22 ans,, elle s'aperçoit que, sans aucun doute, ses jambes grossissent et non le reste du corps . L'ordème aurait envahi, par étapes, les jambes, les cuisses et les fesses . Elle est examinée et traitée à Lille , à Amiens et à Paris. A Lille elle prend de la tyroïdine ( 2 pilules par jour) , et de l'iode , pendant 15 jours . Elle maigrit sous l'influence de ce traitement.
- Open Access
- Lipedema (4)
- Original studies and data (2)
- Review (1)
Resource type
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (3)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1910 and 1919
- 1912 (1)
Between 1960 and 1969
- 1963 (1)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1985 (1)
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1993 (1)
Between 1910 and 1919
- Open Access (4)
Online resource
- yes (4)