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Background: A detailed quantitative evaluation would be beneficial for management of patients with limb lymphedema. Methods and Results: In 47 patients with lower limb lymphedema at International Society of Lymphology clinical stage 2A (18 limbs), 2B (41 limbs), and 3 (13 limbs), we measured the limb circumference and thickness of epidermis, dermis, and subcutis layers with B-mode ultrasonography and subcutis elastic modulus with ultrafast shear wave velocity (ultrasound elastography) at 5 anatomical levels (M1 to M5) before and after a 3- to 5-day intensive decongestive therapy (IDT) session. Limb circumference and thickness of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutis were greater in the 72 limbs with lymphedema than in the 22 unaffected limbs before and after IDT. The affected limb volume was 10,980 [8458-13,960] mL before and 9607 [7720-11,830] mL after IDT (p < 0.0001). The IDT-induced change in subcutis thickness was -9 [-25 to 13]% (NS), -11 [-26 to 3]% (p = 0.001), -18 [-40 to -1]% (p < 0.0001), -15 [-35 to 3]% (p = 0.0003), and -25 [-45 to -4]% (p < 0.0001) and significantly correlated with the change in elastic modulus, which was 13 [-21 to 90]% (p = 0.004), 33 [-27 to 115]% (p = 0.0002), 40[-13 to 169]% (p < 0.0001), 9 [-36 to 157]% (p = 0.024), and -13 [-40 to 97]% (NS), respectively, at the M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5 levels. Intraobserver reproducibility was satisfactory for skin thickness and fairly good for elastography, but interobserver reproducibility was poor or unacceptable. Conclusions: IDT reduced the circumference and subcutis thickness of lower limbs with lymphedema and increased their elastic modulus, implying greater tissue stiffness probably due to fluid evacuation. Although subcutis thickness measurement proved to be reliable, technological and methodological improvements are required before ultrasonographic elastography can be used in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE: Lipedema is a chronic and progressive disease associated with lymphatic impairment at later stages. The aim of our study was to describe the functional status and anatomy of lower limb superficial lymphatic system using indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography in patients with lipedema. METHODS: Following ICG injection at the dorsum of the foot, distance (cm) covered by the dye at 10 (T10') and 25 min (T25') was measured and normalized for limb length. If the dye did not reach the groin within 25 min, patients were classified as "drainage-needing" group (DNG). Values of fat and lean distribution assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were extracted, and correlation analysis was performed. Furthermore, anatomical patterns of superficial lymphatics were assessed. RESULTS: Overall, 45 women were included, 25 (56%) of whom were classified as DNG. Symptoms duration was significantly associated with DNG status at multivariate analysis (odds ratio 1.07; 95% CI 1.01-1.14; p = 0.047). Moreover, Spearman's analysis showed a negative correlation between symptoms duration and T25' dye migration (r = -0.469; p = 0.037). Overall, no major anatomical lymphatic changes were found. CONCLUSIONS: Present study suggests that lymphatic functioning in patients with lipedema correlates with symptoms duration. Further research on larger cohorts should verify our findings and clarify their potential therapeutic implications. Overall, ICG lymphography may be promising technique to assess both lymphatic anatomy and functioning in patients with lipedema.
Background: Expressed by endothelial cells, CDH5 is a cadherin involved in vascular morphogenesis and in the maintenance of vascular integrity and lymphatic function. The main purpose of our study was to identify distinct variants of the CDH5 gene that could be associated with lymphatic malformations and predisposition for lymphedema. Methods and Results: We performed Next Generation Sequencing of the CDH5 gene in 235 Italian patients diagnosed with lymphedema but who tested negative for variants in known lymphedema genes. We detected six different variants in CDH5 five missense and one nonsense. We also tested available family members of the probands. For family members who carried the same variant as the proband, we performed lymphoscintigraphy to detect any lymphatic system abnormalities. Variants were modeled in silico. The results showed that CDH5 variants may contribute to the onset of lymphedema, although further in vitro studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Conclusions: Based on our findings, we propose CDH5 as a new gene that could be screened in patients with lymphedema to gather additional evidence.
Background Lipedema is an underdiagnosed condition in women, characterized by a symmetrical increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in the lower extremities, sparing the trunk. The lipedema SAT has been found to be resistant to diet, exercise and bariatric surgery, in regard to both weight loss (WL) and symptom relief. Current experience indicates that a low carbohydrate and high fat (LCHF-diet) might have a beneficial effect on weight and symptom management in lipedema. Objective To assess the impact of an eucaloric low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF)-diet on pain and quality of life (QoL) in patients with lipedema. Methods Women diagnosed with lipedema, including all types and stages affecting the legs, (age 18-75 years, BMI 30-45 kg/m2) underwent 7 weeks (wk) of LCHF-diet and, thereafter 6 wk of a diet following the Nordic nutrition recommendations. Pain (visual analog scale) and QoL (questionnaire for lymphedema of the limbs), weight and body composition were measured at baseline, wk 7 and 13. Results Nine women (BMI: 36.7±4.5kg/m2 and age: 46.9±7 years) were recruited. The LCHF diet induced a significant WL -4.6±0.7 kg (-4.5±2.4%), P<0.001 for both, and reduction in pain (-2.3±0.4 cm, P=0.020). No correlation was found between WL and changes in pain at wk 7 (r = 0.283, P = 0.460). WL was maintained between wk 7 and 13 (0.3±0.7 kg, P=0.430), but pain returned to baseline levels at wk 13 (4.2±0.7 cm ,P=0.690). A significant increase in general QoL was found between baseline and wk 7 (1.0 (95% CI (2.0, 0.001), P=0.050) and 13 (1.0 95% CI (2.0, 0.001) P=0.050), respectively. Conclusion A LCHF-diet is associated with reduction in perceived pain and improvement in QoL, in patients with lipedema. Larger randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Lipedema, a poorly understood chronic disease of adipose hyper-deposition, is often mistaken for obesity and causes significant impairment to mobility and quality-of-life. To identify molecular mechanisms underpinning lipedema, we employed comprehensive omics-based comparative analyses of whole tissue, adipocyte precursors (adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs)), and adipocytes from patients with or without lipedema.
Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a common co-morbidity of breast cancer therapies, yet factors that contribute to BCRL progression remain incompletely characterized. We investigated whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of subcutaneous adipose tissue were uniquely elevated in women with BCRL.
In mice, embryonic dermal lymphatic development is well understood and used to study gene functions in lymphangiogenesis. Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that modulates cell fate decisions, which has been shown to both inhibit and promote dermal lymphangiogenesis. Here, we demonstrate distinct roles for Notch4 signaling versus canonical Notch signaling in embryonic dermal lymphangiogenesis. Actively growing embryonic dermal lymphatics expressed NOTCH1, NOTCH4, and DLL4 which correlated with Notch activity. In lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), DLL4 activation of Notch induced a subset of Notch effectors and lymphatic genes, which were distinctly regulated by Notch1 and Notch4 activation. Treatment of LECs with VEGF-A or VEGF-C upregulated Dll4 transcripts and differentially and temporally regulated the expression of Notch1 and Hes/Hey genes. Mice nullizygous for Notch4 had an increase in the closure of the lymphangiogenic fronts which correlated with reduced vessel caliber in the maturing lymphatic plexus at E14.5 and reduced branching at E16.5. Activation of Notch4 suppressed LEC migration in a wounding assay significantly more than Notch1, suggesting a dominant role for Notch4 in regulating LEC migration. Unlike Notch4 nulls, inhibition of canonical Notch signaling by expressing a dominant negative form of MAML1 (DNMAML) in Prox1+ LECs led to increased lymphatic density consistent with an increase in LEC proliferation, described for the loss of LEC Notch1. Moreover, loss of Notch4 did not affect LEC canonical Notch signaling. Thus, we propose that Notch4 signaling and canonical Notch signaling have distinct functions in the coordination of embryonic dermal lymphangiogenesis.
Current diagnostic methods for evaluating the functionality of the lymphatic vascular system usually do not provide quantitative data and suffer from many limitations including high costs, complexity, and the need to perform them in hospital settings. In this work, we present a quantitative, simple outpatient technology named LymphMonitor to quantitatively assess lymphatic function. This method is based on the painless injection of the lymphatic-specific near-infrared fluorescent tracer indocyanine green complexed with human serum albumin, using MicronJet600TM microneedles, and monitoring the disappearance of the fluorescence signal at the injection site over time using a portable detection device named LymphMeter. This technology was investigated in 10 patients with unilateral leg or arm lymphedema. After injection of a tracer solution into each limb, the signal was measured over 3 h and the area under the normalized clearance curve was calculated to quantify the lymphatic function. A statistically significant difference in lymphatic clearance in the healthy versus the lymphedema extremities was found, based on the obtained area under curves of the normalized clearance curves. This study provides the first evidence that the LymphMonitor technology has the potential to diagnose and monitor the lymphatic function in patients.
Lipoedema UK welcomed our involvement with NICE and the opportunity to comment on noncosmetic liposuction (NCL) as a proposed interventional procedure for chronic lipoedema. In response, we have been proactive in capturing the views and experiences of individuals in the UK living with lipoedema and from those who have undergone non-cosmetic liposuction.
<p>Bei 640 Patientinnen einer Fachklinik für operative Lymphologie erfolgte mittels Fragebogen der Deutschen Schmerzgesellschaft e. V. eine Befragung. Neben Fragen zum Schmerz und zur Schmerzcharakteristik wurden gleichzeitig noch demografische Daten miterhoben. Es ergab sich, dass nur bei etwas über 50 % eine echte Adipositas nachgewiesen werden konnte. Lipödem und Adipositas müssen als unabhängige Krankheitsbilder gewertet werden. Der Schmerz wurde überwiegend als drückend und ziehend empfunden. Attribute wie klopfend oder pochend, passend zu einer akuten Entzündung, erfuhren die Wertung „nicht zutreffend“. Die Beschwerdesymptomatik war unabhängig vom BMI, der bei der Lipohyperplasie dolorosa nur bedingt verwertbar ist. Insgesamt ist das Leitsymptom „Schmerz“ sehr facettenreich, das angeborene, nicht erworbene Lipödemfett der Extremitäten führt zu einer deutlichen Beeinträchtigung der Aktivitäten sowohl allgemein als auch im Freizeitbereich. Die durch den G-BA initiierte Studie muss daher kritisch gesehen werden. Da bislang keine objektivierbaren Befunde beim Lipödem erhoben werden können, ist eine subtile Befragung betroffener Patientinnen zur Diagnosestellung notwendig.</p>
Within the subcutaneous adipose tissue diseases, multiple symmetric lipomatosis (MSL) (syn.: Launois Bensaude Syndrome, Morbus Madelung, benign symmetric lipomatosis) is rare. The pathogenesis of MSL remains unclear. We investigated the largest German cohort of MSL patients to obtain anamnestic data and quality of life with a standard questionnaire. Twenty-nine patients with confirmed MSL were included and filled in a questionnaire designed for this study. The questionnaire assessed common anamnestic factors, such as quality of life (EQ-5D-3L) and subjective treatment goals and success (“Patient-Benefit-Index-Lymphedema”, PBI-L). The gender distribution of the patients involved in the study was m/f: 1/4 (male: n = 6 (21%); female n = 23 (79%)). While the exact pathophysiology of MSL remains unclear, a subset of patients’ positive family history suggests a strong genetic factor, sometimes compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. Patients with MSL showed lower health states (EQ VAS Score: m = 51, sd = 24, range = 0–90) than the German norm population (m = 77). Around two thirds (68%) of patients reported relevant benefits of therapy (liposuction/lipectomy). In our cohort about one third of the patients reported a positive family history for MSL-like features. Additionally, at least in some patients, a strong genetic factor, compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance, seems a possible major driver of MSL development. Alcohol consumption and MSL development has to be regarded as a controversial issue. Patients suffering from MSL have a clear decrease in quality of life and a marked wish for treatment.
Whole-body three-dimensional surface imaging (3DSI) offers the ability to monitor morphologic changes in multiple areas without the need to individually scan every anatomical region of interest. One area of application is the digital quantification of leg volume. Certain types of morphology do not permit complete circumferential scan of the leg surface. A workflow capable of precisely estimating the missing data is therefore required. We thus aimed to describe and apply a novel workflow to collect bilateral leg volume measurements from whole-body 3D surface scans regardless of leg morphology and to assess workflow precision. For each study participant, whole-body 3DSI was conducted twice successively in a single session with subject repositioning between scans. Paired samples of bilateral leg volume were calculated from the 3D surface data, with workflow variations for complete and limited leg surface visibility. Workflow precision was assessed by calculating the relative percent differences between repeated leg volumes. A total of 82 subjects were included in this study. The mean relative differences between paired left and right leg volumes were 0.73 ± 0.62% and 0.82 ± 0.65%. The workflow variations for completely and partially visible leg surfaces yielded similarly low values. The workflow examined in this study provides a precise method to digitally monitor leg volume regardless of leg morphology. It could aid in objectively comparing medical treatment options of the leg in a clinical setting. Whole-body scans acquired using the described 3DSI routine may allow simultaneous assessment of other changes in body morphology after further validation.
Introduction, Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a complication of treatment for breast cancer. The aim of the present study is to report a form of intensive treatment for BCRL., Method, A crossover study was conducted involving the evaluation of the change in the volume of the upper limbs of 45 women with BCRL who underwent the intensive Godoy Method® (eight hours/day for five days). Volumetric analyses were performed before and after treatment and differences were analyzed using the paired t-test. Reductions in volume were found in all patients., Results, The average reduction was 45.38%. The reduction was between 15% and 20% in 6.67% of the women (n = 3); 20% to 30% in 13.33% (n = 6); 30% to 40% in 20% (n = 9); 40% to 50% in 40% (n = 18); and more than 50% in 20% of the women (n = 9)., Conclusion, The intensive form of treatment for lymphedema is highly effective in a short period of time, with a 40% to 50% reduction in volume in five days, but requires specialized centers adapted to this form of therapy. This is an option for reference centers in the treatment of lymphedema and the formation of human resources.
Angiogenesis, the growth of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature, is primarily regulated by vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs). Dysregulated angiogenesis is associated with cancers, obesity, and over 70 vascular diseases. Upregulated VEGFR protein expressions in diseased vasculature are promising biomarkers for predicting clinical outcomes, as indicated by non-quantitative immunohistochemical studies in patients with impaired vascularization or tumor angiogenesis. While the quantitative characterization of VEGFRs is critical in identifying biomarkers for anti-angiogenic therapies, VEGFR biomarker development presents two particular challenges: (1) The invasive tissue biopsy needed limits the amount of VEGFR data that can be collected from both normal and diseased vasculatures, and (2) we poorly understand the significance of endothelial and various non-endothelial VEGFR-expressing cells in angiogenic therapies. To address these challenges, here I pioneer a blood biopsy-based proteomic approach that allows non-invasive VEGFR quantification. More significantly, I identify and establish age- and sex-specific basal levels of VEGFRs on endothelial cells and bone marrow-derived progenitor cells (Chapter 2). In recent years, blood biopsies have expanded our knowledge of vascular pathology. In particular, circulating angiogenic cells, such as circulating endothelial cells (cECs) and circulating progenitor cells (cPCs), are isolated and counted, and their elevated abundances are often correlated with vascular disease progression and cancer prognosis. However, cECs and cPCs have been overlooked as accessible proxies for profiling vascular biomarker expressions by activated or damaged vasculatures. For the first time, I show that cPCs and cECs exhibit heterogeneous plasma membrane expression of VEGFRs, which are correlated with donor sexes and ages, particularly pre- vs. post-menopausal status. Menopause is known to reduce regenerative and angiogenic capacities, as manifested by decreased capillary growth in skeletal muscle and increased risks for cardiovascular diseases. Here I provide baseline VEGFR expression ranges for these cells, showing that ~50% of cECs in premenopausal females exhibit intermediate-to-high plasma membrane expression (138,000 VEGFR1 and 39,000-236,000 VEGFR2/cell) and ~25% of cECs in males exhibit high VEGFR plasma membrane expression (206,000 VEGFR1 and 155,000 VEGFR2/cell). In marked contrast, nearly all cECs in postmenopausal females are VEGFR-low (2,900 VEGFR1 and 3,400 VEGFR2/cell), agreeing with the reduced angiogenic capacities after menopause. Additionally, VEGFR1 signaling is critical for cPC localization to activated or damged blood vessels. My data show that VEGFR1 plasma membrane localization in cPCs occurs only in postmenopausal females, suggesting menopause activates VEGFR1 signaling pathways in cPCs. Therefore, my data offer quantitative insights into how VEGFR-regulated regenerative and angiogenic capacities are altered due to menopause. Overall, these findings provide the first insights into how sex and age interactions, particularly menopause, influence VEGFR plasma membrane localization in circulating angiogenic cells. More importantly, the findings help establish age- and sex-specific VEGFR baselines for predicting vascular disease progression and therapeutic outcomes. The second challenge is quantitatively characterize how endothelial and non-endothelial VEGFR-expressing cells contribute to angiogenic regulation. Here, I quantitatively elucidate the changes in VEGFR expressions by endothelial cells and non-enodthelial cells in adipose tissues, and identify biomarkable adipose tissue cells that show altered VEGFR membrane expressions in normal versus high-adiposity states (Chapter 3). Obesity is a major risk factor for vascular disorders, including peripheral artery disease, critical limb ischemia, and several cancers. I hypothesize that VEGFR membrane expression by adipose tissue cells is altered as body fat accumulates (increased adiposity). The VEGFR quantification data presented here indicate that ~ 20% of activated lymphocytes upregulate their membrane expressions of VEGFR1 and VEGFR3 by tenfold in response to increased subcutaneous adiposity induced by lipedema, which is very commonly accompanied by impaired vascularization and chronic inflammation. On the other hand, in murine visceral adipose tissue, myeloid progenitor cells exhibit the highest VEGFR membrane expressions (16,000 ± 4,700 VEGFR1, 50,000 ± 6,200 VEGFR2, and 2,100 ± 460 VEGFR3/cell). Compared to myeloid progenitor cells, visceral endothelial cells exhibit an order of magnitude lower VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 levels (2,400 ± 710 VEGFR1/cell, 1,100 ± 190 VEGFR2/cell, and 1,200 ± 220 VEGFR3/cell, respectively). My approach and findings are foundational to a systematic understanding of how VEGFR-expressing adipose cells regulate adipose angiogenesis and adipogenesis. Future studies are warranted to compare how VEGFR membrane expressions differ in chow-fed and high fat-fed mice, and the quantitative proteomic findings will guide therapies for visceral obesity-associated vascular disorders. Last but not least, unlike VEGFRs, many receptors of clinical interest, particularly the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) and its genetic variants, do not have specific antibodies that enable quantitative characterization. To overcome this issue, I have designed a transfected cell model that is engineered to express HA-OXTR-GFP protein complexes, in which an N-terminal HA acts as a proxy for membrane OXTR detection and a C-terminal GFP acts as an indicator in selecting transfected cells from untransfected cells (Chapter 4). This transfected cell model is applied to characterize the varied dose-response profiles of OXTR wild-type and variant cells to oxytocin, a common labor induction drug. My OXTR quantification data show clear correlations to oxytocin-induced functional outcomes, including calcium release and cell desensitization, suggesting that the quantities of different OXTR variants are predictive of cell responses to administered oxytocin and should be considered when making personalized oxytocin dosing decisions. Overall, my results demonstrate that membrane expression of VEGFRs is significantly associated with physiological factors such as sex, age, and menopause, and with pathological adipose tissue expansion. Although VEGFR protein expression is a promising biomarker for many vascular diseases and cancers, quantitative and baseline VEGFR data are still needed for VEGFR-driven pathology. My work on both VEGFRs and other biomarkable receptors, such as OXTR, provides much-needed standardized approaches and quantitative data, a first step towards proteomic biomarker-driven precision medicine.
Introduction: Cellulite is associated with variations in the skin appearance with cottage cheese, mattress-like, or orange peel. The most common areas for these lesions are the posterior or upper thighs and buttocks and mainly affect females after puberty. The objective of the study was to determine whether extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) or manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is more effective for the reduction of the grade of cellulite after liposuction. Methods: This study is a single-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial. Thirty females with grade 3 cellulite were randomly distributed into two groups equal in number (n = 15), group A was equipped to ESWT and group B was equipped to MLD. The cellulite grading scale was used to assess cellulite grade, and the skinfold caliper was used to assess the thickness of subcutaneous fat. The assessment was carried out before and four weeks after starting the treatment. Both groups received topical retinol twice daily for four weeks; in addition, group A received ESWT, while group B received MLD, two times/week for 4 weeks. Results: The mean values of the skinfold caliper in group A decreased by 24.4% and in group B by 15.38% with a significant difference between the two groups (p < 0.001). Also, the mean values of the cellulite grading scale decreased significantly after treatment in group A compared with the mean values of group B (p < 0.001). Conclusions: There was more reduction in the grade of cellulite and thickness of subcutaneous fat in the ESWT group than the MLD group after liposuction.
Both lipedema and juxta-articular adiposis dolorsa are painful disorders of subcutaneous adipose tissue. We investigated 297 female patients with lipedema treated at our department for the presence of juxta-articular adiposis dolorsa. Occurrence of both disorders was identified in 4.4% of lipedema patients. The common presence of both disorders was observed only in more advanced lipedema (grade II and III). Juxta-articular adiposis dolorosa of the knees is seen exclusively on the inner knees, and it presents neither bruising nor creases or hypothermia. Choices of surgical treatment are either microcannula liposuction or dermolipectomy. Recurrences have not been observed.
OBJECTIVES: The association between serum Vitamin D (Vit. D) and mood disorders in lipedema patients has not been investigated. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between serum Vit. D, depression and anxiety risk. METHODS: A cross-sectional cohort of lipedema patients were investigated by collecting the clinical and demographic data. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) and the Hamilton of Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) were used to evaluating the risk of depression and anxiety. Serum concentrations of Vit. D were measured. The association between Vit. D levels and both HAM-A and HAM-D scores were statistically examined by bivariate and partial correlations. RESULTS: Forty lipedema patients were enrolled in this study. Around two-thirds of them had a higher depression or anxiety risk, and 77.5% were under the normal serum Vit. D levels. A significant and inverse correlation was observed between serum Vit. D levels and both HAM-D (r=-0.661, p<0.001), and HAM-A (r=-0.496, p=0.001) scores. This strong association was sustained after the statistical model adjusted for the main potential confounding factors (age, body mass index (BMI), disease duration, and lipedema stages). Additionally, serum Vit. D correlated significantly and inversely with BMI (r=-0.647, p<0.001). Moreover, BMI significantly correlated with HAM-D: r=0.560, p<0.001, and HAM-A: r=0.511, p=0.00. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests a strong correlation between Vit. D levels, depression scores, and anxiety scores in lipedema patients. Our results also demonstrate a strong and direct relationship between BMI, Vit. D levels, depression, and anxiety.
Lipedema is a chronic, progressive disease that almost exclusively affects women and often misdiagnosed as obesity or primary lymphedema. Research concerning lipedema is sparse, and there is a lack of studies focusing on women's experiences of living with the illness. We interviewed fourteen women with lipedema with the aim of describing their experiences of living with lipedema. Our results show that women felt controlled by their body, and were fat-shamed and viewed by others as a person who lacked character. They received unsupportive advice on how to manage from healthcare, and blamed themselves while striving to take responsibility.
Background Reduced diffusion along perivascular spaces in adults with Alzheimer’s-disease-related-dementias has been reported and attributed to reduced glymphatic flow. Objectives To apply quantitative measures of diffusion along, and orthogonal to, perivascular spaces in a cohort of older adults with and without clinical symptoms of alpha-synuclein related neurodegeneration. Methods 181 adults with Parkinson disease (PD) or essential tremor (ET) additionally sub-classified by the presence of cognitive impairment underwent 3 Tesla MRI. Diffusion-tensor-imaging (spatial resolution=2x2x2 mm; b-value=1000 s/mm2; directions=33) measures of diffusion (mm2/s) parallel and orthogonal to perivascular spaces at the level of the medullary veins, and the ratio of these measures (DTI-ALPS), were calculated. Regions were identified by a board-certified neuroradiologist from T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI. Evaluations of motor impairment and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were interpreted by a board-certified neurologist and neuropsychologist, respectively. Multiple regression with false discovery rate correction was applied to understand how diffusion metrics related to (i) disease category (PD vs. ET), (ii) cognition (MCI status), and (iii) white matter disease severity from the Fazekas score. Results The DTI-ALPS score was reduced in PD compared to ET participants (p=0.037). No association between DTI-ALPS score and MCI status, but an inverse association between DTI-ALPS and Fazekas score (p=0.002), was observed. DTI-ALPS scores were inversely associated with age (p=0.007). Conclusion Diffusion aberrations near perivascular spaces are evident in patients with alpha-synuclein related neurodegenerative disorders, and are related to age and white matter disease severity.
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