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Abstract Lipedema is a wide-spread disease with painful accumulations of subcutaneous fat in legs and arms. Often obesity co-occurs. Many patients suffer from impairment in mobility and mental health. Obesity and mental health in turn can be positively influenced by physical activity. In this study we aimed to examine the interrelations between pain and physical activity on mental health in lipedema patients. In total, 511 female lipedema patients (age M = 40.16 ± 12.45 years, BMI M = 33.86 ± 7.80 kg/m 2 ) filled in questionnaires measuring pain (10-point scale), physical activity (7 Items; units per week), and mental health (PHQ-9; WHOQOL-BREF with subscales mental, physical, social, environmental, and overall health). Response surface analyses were calculated via R statistics. Explained variance was high for the model predicting depression severity (R 2 = .18, p < .001) and physical health (R 2 = .30, p < .001). Additive incongruence effects of pain and physical activity on depression severity, mental, physical, and overall health were found (all p < .001). In our study, physical activity and pain synergistically influenced physical, mental, and overall health. Pain did not only lead to low mental health but also interfered with the valuable potential of engaging in physical activity in lipedema patients.
Lipedema is still a little-known disease, and the internet and social networks have been increasing the identification of many people with the condition, its characteristics, and diagnostic criteria. It is a disease of the adipose tissue that causes changes in body shape in the regions of the body's extremities, hips, and thighs. Classification of lipedema is based on the distribution of adipose tissue and severity of the disease (stages I, II, III, and IV) [ [1] ]. Lymphedema, venous disease, and hypermobile joints are co-morbidities [ [2] ]. Its overlap with overweight and obesity is common. Also, weight fluctuations and metabolic changes stem from body dissatisfaction commonly affecting women.
Background/Aim: YouTube provides information on several health-conditions including lipedema. The aim of this study was to investigate the properties, quality, and quantity of YouTube videos on lipedema. Methods: We explored YouTube using the key word lipedema and the initial top 50 videos were included to review. The properties comprising informers, target, and domains of videos covering number of views, likes, dislikes, duration, viewing rate (VR), and video power index (VPI) were recorded. A modified DISCERN tool and global quality scale (GQS) were used to assess the reliability and quality of videos, respectively. Results: The top 50 videos had a mean of 35,805 views, 282 likes, 12 dislikes, and 30 comments. The mean VPI (96.4) and VR (63.8%) were high. The videos were generally uploaded by health professionals for patient/public and health professional targets with the same ratio (50%). The majority of video contents was related to general information (68%) followed by surgical treatment (62%). Only a small ratio of their content (22%) was about nonsurgical management. The reliability and quality of the videos were intermediate to low. The median DISCERN and GQS scores were higher in the videos uploaded by health professional group compared with nonhealth professionals, but the number of views, VPI, and VR were similar between the groups with regard to the source. Conclusion: YouTube videos on lipedema are mostly provided by health professionals targeting both public/patients and health care providers but the content is limited and the quality and reliability of them were low to intermediate. Therefore, the lipedema specialists are suggested to work together to create up-to-date, high-quality, accessible online educational content to meet the needs of both patients/public and the health professionals. In addition, control mechanisms and careful peer reviewing of the videos informed by nonhealth professionals are warranted to avoid misleading information.
Lipedema is a chronic adipose tissue disorder affecting approximately 11% of women worldwide. The illness is often misdiagnosed as obesity, and because of this, women often struggle in meetings with healthcare providers. Few studies have assessed these encounters of younger women with lipedema. The aims of this qualitative study were to explore women’s experiences in meetings with healthcare providers and the importance of social support and belonging, with a focus on younger women. Fifteen women with lipedema between the ages of 21 and 47 years (mean age 36.2 years) were interviewed. The results indicated that women felt stigmatized by healthcare providers and that younger women in their 20s and early 30s struggled more often than women of higher age when receiving their diagnosis. The feeling of shame and stigma were also dependent on the woman’s resources in handling the illness. The younger women reported that their self-confidence and romantic relationships were challenging. Social support and the feeling of belonging through romantic relationships or support groups were important resources for managing the illness. Highlighting the experiences of women may aid in increasing recognition and knowledge of lipedema. This in turn may reduce the stigma and lead to equitable healthcare services.