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  • Background: Lipedema is a distinct adipose disorder from obesity necessitating awareness as well as different management approaches to address pain and optimize quality of life (QoL). The purpose of this proof-of-principle study is to evaluate the therapeutic potential of physical therapy interventions in women with lipedema. Methods and Results: Participants with Stage 1-2 lipedema and early Stage 0-1 lymphedema (n = 5, age = 38.4 ± 13.4 years, body mass index = 27.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2) underwent nine visits of physical therapy in 6 weeks for management of symptoms impacting functional mobility and QoL. Pre- and post-therapy, participants were scanned with 3 Tesla sodium and water magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), underwent biophysical measurements, and completed questionnaires measuring function and QoL (patient-specific functional scale, PSFS, and RAND-36). Pain was measured at each visit using the 0-10 visual analog scale (VAS). Treatment effect was calculated for all study variables. The primary symptomatology measures of pain and function revealed clinically significant post-treatment improvements and large treatment effects (Cohen's d for pain VAS = -2.5 and PSFS = 4.4). The primary sodium MRI measures, leg skin sodium, and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) sodium, reduced following treatment and revealed large treatment effects (Cohen's d for skin sodium = -1.2 and SAT sodium = -0.9). Conclusions: This proof-of-principle study provides support that persons with lipedema can benefit from physical therapy to manage characteristic symptoms of leg pain and improve QoL. Objective MRI measurement of reduced tissue sodium in the skin and SAT regions indicates reduced inflammation in the treated limbs. Further research is warranted to optimize the conservative therapy approach in lipedema, a condition for which curative and disease-modifying treatments are unavailable.

  • (1) Background: Due to insufficient knowledge of lipoedema, the treatment of this disease is undoubtedly challenging. However, more and more researchers attempt to incorporate the most effective lipoedema treatment methods. When assessing a new therapeutic method, choosing correct, objective tools to measure the therapeutic outcome is very important. This article aims to present possible instruments that may be used in the evaluation of therapeutic effects in patients with lipoedema. (2) Methods: The data on therapeutic outcome measurements in lipoedema were selected in February 2022, using the Medical University of Gdansk Main Library multi-search engine. (3) Results: In total, 10 papers on this topic have been identified according to inclusion criteria. The tools evaluating the therapeutic outcomes used in the selected studies were: volume and circumference measurement, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, ultrasonography and various scales measuring the quality of life, the level of experiencing pain, the severity of symptoms, functional lower extremity scales, and a 6 min walk test. (4) Conclusion: The tools currently used in evaluating the effectiveness of conservative treatment in women with lipoedema are: volume and circumference measurement, waist-to-hip ratio, body fat percentage, ultrasonography, VAS scale, quality of life scales (SF-36, RAND-36), symptom severity questionnaire (QuASiL), Lower Extremity Functional Scale and 6 min walk. Choosing a proper tool to measure the treatment outcome is essential to objectively rate the effectiveness of therapeutic method.

  • In early 2019, the Lipedema Foundation, in partnership with advisors from the Lipedema patient and research communities, launched the Lipedema Foundation Registry — an initial confidential survey to help understand the condition. After three years, we are ecstatic to share this Registry First Look report, providing perspective on the diverse experiences of people with Lipedema. We are tremendously thankful to those who contributed their time and insights, without which this report would not have been possible. This report includes data from the first 521 fully completed Registry surveys from people who believe they have Lipedema, out of 2,000 in-progress responses. These 521 people represent 14,556 years of lived experience with Lipedema, across dimensions including: • Diagnosis: This report focuses on the experiences of 521 people who either report having received a Lipedema diagnosis, or have symptoms sufficient for them to believe they have Lipedema. Data from non-Lipedema populations has been collected, but is not presented in this report. • Amount of time living with Lipedema: Participants include women with less than 10 years duration of the condition, though almost half of survey respondents had lived with Lipedema for more than 30 years at the time of participation. • Geography: Though only in English at this time, the Registry is multinational, with 21% of contributions from outside the US. Much captured here is consistent with existing academic literature and surveys. Findings include: • The Registry data is consistent with research showing the majority of patients first notice symptoms around the time of puberty; more specifically, the Registry data shows peak onset of symptoms between ages 12 and 14. • As widely reported by patients, this data shows long delays between onset and treatment. On average, women sought medical attention 17 years after first noticing symptoms, and received a diagnosis 10 years later. • Participants were able to identify Lipedema-like features in their bodies at frequencies consistent with the medical literature. They found Lipedema-like texture throughout their bodies, though most frequently in the arms and legs. • Both typical and flaring pain are common. Heaviness, bruising, and sensitivity to touch are also common and speak further to patients’ quality of life. After analyzing the data, the Lipedema Foundation team conducted two focus groups with patients to help understand and contextualize the findings. Their interpretations, insights and quotes appear throughout. Though this report is a great start, we hope it can be a tool to advance Lipedema awareness, understanding and care. Key next steps include: • Challenging healthcare professionals to recognize and understand Lipedema, and stop stigmatizing and dismissing patients when they seek care. • Informing scientific hypotheses and the research agenda. • Expanding and diversifying Registry participation, to ensure it represents the true diversity of the Lipedema patient population. Analysis of patient experience reminds us that Lipedema can present in many ways. This diversity asks us to take a closer look at typical descriptions of Lipedema, and this report should influence how we think about anatomical changes in Lipedema and progression of the disorder. These insights must be followed up with formal medical studies, but many hypotheses to be tested have been captured here in the patients’ own voices.

  • Recommendations: 1.1 Evidence on the safety of liposuction for chronic lipoedema is inadequate but raises concerns of major adverse events such as fluid imbalance, fat embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and toxicity from local anaesthetic agents. Evidence on the efficacy is also inadequate, based mainly on retrospective studies with methodological limitations. Therefore, this procedure should only be used in the context of research. Find out what only in research means on the NICE interventional procedures guidance page. 1.2 Further research should report: • patient selection, including age, effects of hormonal changes (which should include effects seen during puberty and menopause) and the severity and site of disease • details of the number and duration of procedures, the liposuction technique used (including the type of anaesthesia and fluid balance during the procedure), and any procedure-related complications • long-term outcomes, including weight and body mass index changes • patient-reported outcomes, including quality of life. 1.3 Patient selection should be done by a multidisciplinary team, including clinicians with expertise in managing lipoedema. 1.4 The procedure should only be done in specialist centres by surgeons experienced in this procedure.

  • Lipoedema has received increased attention in recent years. Overlaps with obesity sometimes make it difficult to differentiate. However, this is important for a differentiated targeted therapy. Definition and clinic Lipoedema is a painful, genetic, exces sive increase in adipose tissue on the extremities in women. This leads to a disproportion of the body. The first symptoms often manifest themselves in puberty, the course is usually progressive. Characteristic symptoms are pain at rest and pressure, tendency to hematoma, feelings of tension and swelling, rapid fatigue of the muscles and edema, which are inconsistent depending on the stage. 25–88 % of lipoedema patients suffer from obesity at the same time. Prevalence Depending on the study, 5–9.7 %, corresponding to 2–4 million women in Germany. Etiology Family disposition is obvious. Hormonal changes are trigger factors and suggest hormonal influences. In the tissue there is a slight chronic inflammation (silent inflammation), which explains the symptoms. Diagnosis The diagnosis is made clinically and must be distin guished from other fat distribution disorders. The BMI is not suitable. The waist circumference-size quotient (BCG = WHtR Waist to Height-Ratio) should be used. Therapy interdisciplinary therapeutic approach,which inaddi tion to conservative decongestion therapy, surgical therapy by liposuction also includes nutrition, exercise and psychotherapy.

  • BACKGROUND: Despite an increasing demand for surgical treatment of lipedema, the evidence for liposuction is still limited to five peer-reviewed publications. Little is known about the influence of disease stage, patient age, body mass index, or existing comorbidities on clinical outcomes. Considering the chronically progressive nature of lipedema, it was hypothesized that younger patients with lower body mass index and stage would report better results. METHODS: This retrospective, single-center, noncomparative study included lipedema patients who underwent liposuction between July of 2009 and July of 2019. After a minimum of 6 months since the last surgery, all patients completed a disease-related questionnaire. The primary endpoint was the need for complex decongestive therapy based on a composite score. Secondary endpoints were the severity of complaints (i.e., spontaneous pain, sensitivity to pressure, feeling of tension, bruising, impairment of body image) measured on a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: One hundred six patients underwent a total of 298 large-volume liposuctions (mean lipoaspirate, 6355 ± 2797 ml). After a median follow-up of 20 months (interquartile range, 10 to 42 months), a median complex decongestive therapy score reduction of 37.5 percent (interquartile range, 0 to 88.8 percent; p < 0.0001) was observed. An improvement in lipedema-associated symptoms was also observed (p < 0.0001). The percentage reduction in complex decongestive therapy scores was greater in patients with a body mass index less than or equal to 35 kg/m2; (compared to higher body mass index; p < 0.0001) and in stage I and II patients (compared to stage III patients; p = 0.0019). CONCLUSION: Liposuction reduces the severity of symptoms and the need for conservative treatment in lipedema patients, especially if it is performed in patients with a body mass index below 35 kg/m2; at an early stage of the disease. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, IV.

  • Lymphatic drainage is the main form of therapy for lymphedema, as it affects the pathophysiology of this clinical condition. The two main objectives of lymphatic drainage are the formation and drainage of lymph. In recent years, Godoy &amp; Godoy developed a novel concept of mechanical lymphatic drainage involving a device denominated RAGodoy®, which performs passive exercises of the lower and upper limbs as a form of lymphatic drainage. The aim of the present study was to address the concept of this therapy as well as perform a literature review on its forms of use and the results obtained. All studies analyzed show that this technique used as monotherapy enables the treatment of lymphedema, but superior results are achieved when combined with compression mechanisms.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema often remains undiagnosed in patients with obesity, leading to mismanagement of treatment. Because of this, despite remarkable weight loss after bariatric surgery and decreases in hip and abdomen circumference, some patients show only small decreases in circumference of the extremities and report persistent limb pain. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this work is to raise awareness of lipedema coincident with obesity, mistakenly diagnosed as obesity alone, in order to ensure the correct diagnosis of the condition and to achieve better treatment outcomes for people with lipedema and coincident obesity. SETTING: CG Lympha Clinic, Cologne, and Ernst von Bergmann Clinic, Potsdam. METHODS: From clinical records, we identified 13 patients who were diagnosed with lipedema only after undergoing bariatric surgery. We describe the course of their pain before and after bariatric surgery, focusing on the long-term progression of symptoms accompanying the disease. RESULTS: Lipedema cannot be cured by bariatric surgery, and although the patients in this study lost an average of more than 50 kg of weight, they displayed no improvement in the pain symptoms typical of lipedema. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the different etiologies of lipedema and obesity, lipedema requires its own specific treatment. Patients suffering from obesity should always be assessed for pain and lipedema. If coincident lipedema is diagnosed, we suggest that bariatric surgery only be performed first if diet and exercise have failed, the patient's body mass index is >40 kg/m2, and the patient has been informed of the possible persistence of pain. Lipedema, like a coincident disease, must be additionally treated conservatively or preferably surgically. This optimized treatment may help to better manage patient expectations after weight loss.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 8:30 AM (UTC)