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  • Background: Although lipedema is often clinically distinguished from lymphedema, there is considerable overlap between the 2 entities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate lymphoscintigraphic findings in patients with lipedema to better characterize lymphatic flow in this patient population. Methods: This is an updated 4 year experience containing significant new information of patients with lipedema receiving lymphoscintigraphy at our institution between January 2015 and October 2017. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, and lymphoscintigraphic findings were extracted. Klienhan’s transport index (TI) was utilized to assess lymphatic flow in patient’s lower extremities (LEs). Scores range from 0-45, with values >10 denoting pathologic lymphatic transport. Results: 19 total patients with lipedema underwent lymphoscintigraphic evaluation. Mean age was 54.8 and mean BMI was 35.9 kg/m2. Severity of lipedema was classified as stage 1 in 5 patients (26.3%), stage 2 in 4 patients (21.1%), stage 3 in 4 patients (21.1%), and stage 4 in 6 patients (31.6%). The mean TI for all extremities was 12.5. 24 (63.2%) LEs had a pathologic TI , including 7 LEs with stage 1 (29.2%), 3 LEs with stage 2 (12.5%), 6 LEs with stage 3 (25.0%), and 8 LEs with stage 4 lipedema (33.3%). The mean TI was significantly greater for extremities with severe (stage 3/4) lipedema than those with mild or moderate (stage 1/2) lipedema (15.1 vs. 9.7, p=0.049). Mean difference in TI scores between each LE for individual patients was 6.43 (SD 7.96). Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients with lipedema have impaired lymphatic transport, and more severe lipedema may be associated with greater lymphatic transport abnormalities.

  • Introduction Lipedema (meaning edema in fat) and Dercum Disease (DD) are fat disorders in which accumulation of painful subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) affects more females than males, especially at times of female hormone change. Patients with both fat disorders are often misdiagnosed as obese. The purpose of this study was to determine if estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) are different in lipedema versus DD in SAT and skin versus controls. These receptors are on mast cells that produce histamine causing leakage from blood vessels inducing hypoxia and angiogenesis. Progesterone is known to activate histamine release from mast cells. We aim to determine levels of ER and PR in SAT and if blood vessels replicate at a higher rate in lipedema and DD versus controls to help further understand these conditions and work towards finding a cure. Materials and Methods Immunohistochemistry (San Diego Pathology, San Diego, CA) was used to test for the presence of PR, ER, Ki67 (marker of replicating cells), and CD117 (marker of mast cells). Results and Discussion Mast cell numbers were similar in control, DD and lipedema SAT (Figure). ER were not different in control, DD and lipedema SAT. PR were significantly lower in lipedema SAT. There was no difference in Ki67 in lipedema or DD blood vessels compared to controls. Conclusion Lower numbers of PR in our data suggest mast cell secretions (histamine and others) could be higher inducing leakage from vessels and fluid collection in SAT. Fluid in the tissue should induce hypoxia and growth of more blood vessels. Despite higher PR on mast cells, lipedema blood vessels did not appear to be replicating at a higher level. With further research and additional samples, the relevance of elevated PR in lipedema tissue may become apparent. Support or Funding Information Research reported in this poster was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under linked Award Numbers RL5GM118969, TL4GM118971, and UL1GM118970. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Special acknowledgement to the Minority Health Disparities summer research program at the University of Arizona, the College of Medicine Tucson Treatment, Research, and Education of Adipose Tissue Program. This abstract is from the Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting. There is no full text article associated with this abstract published in The FASEB Journal.

Last update from database: 3/12/25, 8:25 AM (UTC)


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