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  • AIM: Application of microcurrents of bioresonance may allow protein aggregates lysis and a related enhancement of lymphatic drainage. Combining bioresonance with transcutaneous passage of active principles, by means of skin electroporation, microcirculation and clearance of connective tissues may be theoretically activated. A pilot study on an electro-medical device which includes these two technologies (Transponder(®)), has been performed on patients affected by lymphedema (LYM) and/or lipedema (LIP) of the lower limbs. METHODS: Eight patients affected by primary or secondary unilateral LYM or LIP were submitted to six consecutive daily sessions with the medical device; the first two sessions were performed by a trained physiotherapist, whilst the following four sessions were self-administered by the patients themselves at home (who were educated about the technique). Magnesium silicate was delivered transcutaneously by means of the device at each session. Pre-post-treatment assessment included: 1) limb volumetry by means of tape measurement; 2) segmental multifrequency bioimpedance spectroscopy for fluid changes, with L-DEX measurement; 3) visual analogue scale (VAS) (0-10 score) questionnaire for related symptoms. RESULTS: All the patients completed the scheduled treatment. After the treatment the mean volume of the whole limb decreased from 9462.85 (±3407.02) to 9297.37 cc (±3393.20), which accounts for a 165.48 cc (2%) reduction after six days of treatment. The pre/post-treatment VAS mean score changes were: heaviness from 4.57±3.46 to 2.43±2.57 (-47%), dysesthesias from 1.71±2.63 to 0.71±1.50 (-58%), pain from 1.57±2.57 to 0.57±0.79 (-64%). Diuresis VAS measurement passed from 7.43±1.81 to 8.57±0.98 (15% increase). The average L-DEX percentage reduction was 21%. No side effects were reported and a good patients' compliance was recorded. CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary data of this pilot study show that the combination of microcurrents of bioresonance with transdermal delivery of active principles indicate that it could result in edema decrease and symptom improvement in patients affected by LYM and/or LIP of the lower limbs. Self-administered modality of the electrical device is possible and effective; no side effects have been reported.

  • Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is a rare but complex and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease of childhood. Significant proportions of patients have residual weakness, muscle atrophy, joint contractures, and calcinosis. Recently, new clinical findings, such as lipodystrophy accompanied with increased fat deposition in certain areas, have been reported. So far, it is not known whether the redistribution of body fat may be the type of lipedema of lower extremity. We describe a 39-year-old woman who was diagnosed with JDM at the age of 7. Later she developed symmetrical lipodystrophy of upper extremities and symmetrical lipedema of lower extremities (making 2 and 58.3 % of total body fat mass, respectively), with multiple calcified nodules in the subcutaneous tissues. These nodules gradually increased in size despite therapy. Capillaroscopy findings showed scleroderma-like abnormalities. ANA and anti-U1RNP antibodies were positive. Similar cases with simultaneous occurrence of the lipedema of lower extremities, lipodystrophy of upper extremities, and severe calcinosis complicating JDM have not been published so far. We showed that the calcinosis and lipodystrophy were associated with short duration of active disease. Also, we display case that raises the question whether it is possible overlapping autoimmune diseases revealed during follow-up.

  • Upper- and lower-body fat depots exhibit opposing associations with obesity-related metabolic disease. We defined the relationship between DEXA-quantified fat depots and diabetes/cardiovascular risk factors in a healthy population-based cohort (n = 3,399). Gynoid fat mass correlated negatively with insulin resistance after total fat mass adjustment, whereas the opposite was seen for abdominal fat. Paired transcriptomic analysis of gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue (GSAT) and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (ASAT) was performed across the BMI spectrum (n = 49; 21.4-45.5 kg/m(2)). In both depots, energy-generating metabolic genes were negatively associated and inflammatory genes were positively associated with obesity. However, associations were significantly weaker in GSAT. At the systemic level, arteriovenous release of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (n = 34) was lower from GSAT than ASAT. Isolated preadipocytes retained a depot-specific transcriptional "memory" of embryonic developmental genes and exhibited differential promoter DNA methylation of selected genes (HOTAIR, TBX5) between GSAT and ASAT. Short hairpin RNA-mediated silencing identified TBX5 as a regulator of preadipocyte proliferation and adipogenic differentiation in ASAT. In conclusion, intrinsic differences in the expression of developmental genes in regional adipocytes provide a mechanistic basis for diversity in adipose tissue (AT) function. The less inflammatory nature of lower-body AT offers insight into the opposing metabolic disease risk associations between upper- and lower-body obesity.

  • Lipedema is a common, but often underdiagnosed masquerading disease of obesity, which almost exclusively affects females. There are many debates regarding the diagnosis as well as the treatment strategies of the disease. The clinical diagnosis is relatively simple, however, knowledge regarding the pathomechanism is less than limited and curative therapy does not exist at all demanding an urgent need for extensive research. According to our hypothesis, lipedema is an estrogen-regulated polygenetic disease, which manifests in parallel with feminine hormonal changes and leads to vasculo- and lymphangiopathy. Inflammation of the peripheral nerves and sympathetic innervation abnormalities of the subcutaneous adipose tissue also involving estrogen may be responsible for neuropathy. Adipocyte hyperproliferation is likely to be a secondary phenomenon maintaining a vicious cycle. Herein, the relevant articles are reviewed from 1913 until now and discussed in context of the most likely mechanisms leading to the disease, which could serve as a starting point for further research.

  • Lipedema is a common, but often underdiagnosed masquerading disease of obesity, which almost exclusively affects females. There are many debates regarding the diagnosis as well as the treatment strategies of the disease. The clinical diagnosis is relatively simple, however, knowledge regarding the pathomechanism is less than limited and curative therapy does not exist at all demanding an urgent need for extensive research. According to our hypothesis, lipedema is an estrogen-regulated polygenetic disease, which manifests in parallel with feminine hormonal changes and leads to vasculo- and lymphangiopathy. Inflammation of the peripheral nerves and sympathetic innervation abnormalities of the subcutaneous adipose tissue also involving estrogen may be responsible for neuropathy. Adipocyte hyperproliferation is likely to be a secondary phenomenon maintaining a vicious cycle. Herein, the relevant articles are reviewed from 1913 until now and discussed in context of the most likely mechanisms leading to the disease, which could serve as a starting point for further research.

  • Compression therapy is the mainstay of treatment in the management of lymphoedema and lipoedema. However, due to variance in the location, severity and type of the condition, patients often have to compromise on garments to ensure that the affected area of oedema is controlled. This article discusses the use of Veni compression shorts (Haddenham Healthcare) and Capri garments as an alternative treatment option to full-leg compression garments. The article explains treatment areas and conditions where the application of these garments will enhance care-for example, for trunkal swelling-and where compression may not generally be required-for example, in the feet.

  • BACKGROUND: Distinguishing lymphoedema from lipoedema in women with swollen legs can be difficult. Local tissue water content can be quantified using tissue dielectric constant (TDC) measurements. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether TDC measurements can differentiate untreated lower extremity lymphoedema from lipoedema, and to test interobserver agreement. METHODS: Thirty-nine women participated in the study; 10 patients with lipoedema (LipP), nine patients with untreated lymphoedema (U-LP), 10 patients with lymphoedema treated with compression bandaging for ≥ 4 weeks (T-LP) and 10 healthy controls. All subjects were measured at three predefined sites (foot, ankle and lower leg). All groups except U-LP were measured by three blinded investigators. Using a handheld device, a 300-MHz electromagnetic wave is transmitted into the skin via a 2.5-mm depth probe. TDC calculated from the reflected wave is directly proportional to tissue water content ranging from 1 (vacuum) to 78.5 (pure water). RESULTS: Mean ± SD TDC values for U-LP were 48.8 ± 5.2. TDC values of T-LP, LipP and controls were 34.0 ± 6.6, 29.5 ± 6.2 and 32.3 ± 5.7, respectively. U-LP had significantly higher TDC values in all measurement sites compared with all other groups (P < 0.001). A cut-off value of 40 for ankle and lower-leg measurements correctly differentiated all U-LP from LipP and controls. Intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.94 for the ankle and the lower leg and 0.63 for the foot. CONCLUSIONS: TDC values of U-LP were significantly higher than those of T-LP, LipP and controls and may aid in differentiating lymphoedema from lipoedema. Interobserver agreement was high in ankle and lower-leg measurements but low in foot measurements.

  • OBJECTIVES: Patient-relevant treatment benefit is traditionally measured with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments. The Patient Benefit Index (PBI) methodology allows for a more direct measurement, with the patients rating both importance and achievement of treatment goals. Here, we developed and validated a PBI version specific for the assessment of benefit in lymphedema and lipedema treatment (PBI-L). METHODS: The development included five steps: (1) open item collection; (2) consensus of items in a multidisciplinary expert panel; (3) application of the German PBI-L in a cross-sectional study (n = 301); (4) translation into English; (5) application of the English PBI-L in a randomized clinical trial (n = 82). Subscales were developed using factor analysis. Construct validity was analyzed by correlating PBI-L and convergent criteria such as HRQoL and quality of care. To test for responsiveness, the association to change in HRQoL measures was computed. RESULTS: Floor and ceiling effects were low. There were few missing values. Two well-interpretable subscales were found with Cronbach's alpha >0.8 each. Global and subscale scores correlated with convergent criteria and with change in disease-specific HRQoL, but not with change in generic HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: The PBI-L is an internally consistent, valid, and responsive instrument for the assessment of patient-relevant benefit of edema treatment.

  • Cankles refer to the area where the calf and ankle meet. Unaesthetic fat cankles, where definition between the calf and ankle is impossible, are a frustrating aesthetic deformity, which are exacerbated by their genetic conditioning and special resistance to diet. This article reports our experience with laser-assisted lipolysis (LAL) in cankle remodelling. A total of 30 patients were treated for unaesthetic fat cankles with LAL. The 924/975-nm diode laser used in this study consisted of two lasers, one emitting at 924 nm, and the other at 975 nm. According to our mathematical models, we assumed that to destroy 1 ml of fat, 0.1 kJ was required in dual emission mode at 924/975 nm. Patients were asked to file a satisfaction questionnaire. Ultrasound was used to measure the fat thickness pre- and postoperatively. Oedema in both lateral sulcus of the Achilles tendon was seen in all patients. It subsided after 4 weeks in nine cases and 6 weeks in 21 cases. Only two patients developed mild hyperpigmentation that disappeared, respectively, after 4 and 10 weeks. Pain during the anaesthesia and discomfort after the procedure were low with this technique. Mean down time was 1.0 day. Of the 30 patients, 29 would recommend this treatment. Overall, high patient and investigator satisfaction was confirmed by the sonography used to measure decrease in fat thickness. LAL in cankle remodelling is a safe and reproducible technique that is particularly appreciated by the patient. The procedure allows homogenous reduction of fatty tissue together with skin tightening.

  • In many respects, lipedema of the arms and legs is still an underresearched disease within the lymphatic spectrum. It is clear that clinical symptoms frequently include symmetrical fat distribution in the arms and legs and pathognomonic tenderness in female family members. However, 75 years after the first descriptions provided by Allen and Hines, we still lack pathological evidence that would provide more insight than that offered by the theses proposed by Marsch and Brauer. We also lack information about hormonal influence on hyperplastic fatty tissue and the causes of obviously increased lymph formation in the fatty tissue in patients with lipohyperplasia dolorosa. Much more is known about the effects of combined decongestive therapy, which has been used since the 1960s. Moreover, since 1997, surgery has been used to successfully treat this disease presentation. The success rate in long-term observation (15 years) is 97%.

  • BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a rare female disorder with a characteristic distribution of adipose tissue hypertrophy on the extremities, with pain and bruising. In advanced stages, reduction of adipose tissue is the only available effective treatment. In elderly patients with advanced lipedema, correction of increased skin laxity has to be considered for an optimal outcome. METHODS: We report on a tailored combined approach to improve advanced lipedema in elderly females with multiple comorbidities. Microcannular laser-assisted liposuction of the upper legs and knees is performed under tumescent anesthesia. Medial thigh lift and partial lower abdominoplasty with minimal undermining are used to correct skin laxity and prevent intertrigo. Postsurgical care with nonelastic flat knitted compression garments and manual lymph drainage are used. RESULTS: We report on three women aged 55-77 years with advanced lipedema of the legs and multiple comorbidities. Using this step-by-step approach, a short operation time and early mobilization were possible. Minor adverse effects were temporary methemoglobinemia after tumescent anesthesia and postsurgical pain. No severe adverse effects were seen. Patient satisfaction was high. CONCLUSION: A tailored approach may be useful in advanced lipedema and is applicable even in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities.

  • OBJECTIVE: Elephantiasis nostras is a rare complication in advanced lipo-lymphedema. While lipedema can be treated by liposuction and lymphedema by decongestive lymphatic therapy, elephantiasis nostras may need debulking surgery. METHODS: We present 2 cases of advanced lipo-lymphedema complicated by elephantiasis nostras. After tumescent microcannular laser-assisted liposuction both patients underwent a debulking surgery with a modification of Auchincloss-Kim's technique. Histologic examination of the tissue specimen was performed. RESULTS: The surgical treatment was well tolerated and primary healing was uneventful. After primary wound healing and ambulation of the patients, a delayed ulceration with lymphorrhea developed. It was treated by surgical necrectomy and vacuum-assisted closure leading to complete healing. Mobility of the leg was much improved. Histologic examination revealed massive ectatic lymphatic vessels nonreactive for podoplanin. CONCLUSIONS: Debulking surgery can be an adjuvant technique for elephantiasis nostras in advanced lipo-lymphedema. Although delayed postoperative wound healing problems were observed, necrectomy and vacuum-assisted closure achieved a complete healing. Histologic data suggest that the ectatic lymphatic vessels in these patients resemble finding in podoplanin knockout mice. The findings would explain the limitations of decongestive lymphatic therapy and tumescent liposuction in such patients and their predisposition to relapsing erysipelas.

Last update from database: 3/12/25, 8:25 AM (UTC)
