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Pain is an important criterion for diagnosing lipedema. This pain, however, has not been properly investigated or characterized in the literature, and in most cases, authors have settled for putting forward hypotheses. Comparison of these hypotheses with actual findings, if even available, it becomes obvious that many of these hypotheses cannot be correct. Hardly any of the tangible results seem to provide a solid basis for explaining lipedema-related pain. When examining lipedema-related pain reported in the pain literature, it becomes increasingly evident that dynamic mechanical allodynia, with Aß-fibers and probably tactile C (CT)-fibers, is Involved. It Is in principle possible to stimulate CT-fibers by manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), and this may explain the method's analgesic effects. Conversely however, this pain-relieving effect via CT-fibers seems to exclude the Involvement of small fiber neuropathy (SFN), and thus any direct nerve damage as the cause of pain in lipedema.
Einleitung: Die Diagnostik des Lipödems basiert bislang auf rein klinischen Befunden, objektive Parameter fehlen bislang. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, einen möglichen Zusammen-hang zwischen einer standardisierten, sonographisch gemessenen Kompressibilität der subkutanen Fettschicht sowie dem Vergleich der Hautfettfalten an Abdomen und Oberschenkel und der klinischen Diagnose Lipödem aufzuzeigen. Material und Methode: Das Grundkollektiv zur Probandinnen-Auswahl bestand aus 1100 Patientinnen und Patienten. Davon wurden 1016 Patientinnen und Patienten wegen zutreffender Ausschlusskriterien ausgeschlossen. Die verbliebenen 84 Patientinnen wurden auf die klinische Diagnose „Lipödem der Beine“ untersucht. Die klinische Diagnose „Lipödem“ war bei 71 Patientinnen positiv und bei 13 Patientinnen negativ. Insgesamt haben drei Patientinnen die Teilnahme verweigert (eine mit negativer Diagnose, zwei mit positiver Diagnose); damit wurden 69 Patientinnen in der Gruppe der Lipödempatientinnen und zwölf Patientinnen in der Kontrollgruppe untersucht. Zudem wurden als weitere Kontrollgruppe sieben männliche „gesunde“ Probanden mit derselben Technik vermessen und verglichen. An Daten wurden für alle Probandinnen und Probanden das Alter, BMI, Verhältnis von Abdomen- zu Oberschenkelhautfettfalte (nur rechts), Subkutisdicke am Oberschenkel unkomprimiert und komprimiert auf beiden Seiten erhoben. Resultate: Die Annahme, dass die Subkutis bei Lipödempatientinnen deutlich geringer kompressierbar ist, konnte an 69 Lipödempatientinnen, die keinerlei Lymphödemsymptomatik zeigten, verifiziert werden. Die Kontrollgruppen (sieben Männer, zwölf Frauen) verhielten sich diesbezüglich negativ. Der Mittelwert dieser Kompressibilität lag in der Lipödemgruppe bei 7 %, in den Kontrollgruppen bei 22 % (Männer) bzw. 16 % (Frauen ohne Lipödem). Das Verhältnis der Hautfettfalten an Abdomen und Oberschenkel war bei Lipödempatientinnen mit im Mittel 0,43 signifikant unter den anderen Gruppen (Männer: 1,45; Frauen ohne Lipödem: 1,16). Diskussion: Die sonographisch gemessene Kompressibilität der Subkutis stellt einen wichtigen, objektiven Parameter zur Diagnostik des Lipödems dar. Eine zusätzliche positive Aussage liefert zudem der Vergleich der Hautfettfaltendicke an Abdomen und Oberschenkel mit statistisch signifikanten Unterschieden.
BACKGROUND: Lipedema, also known as lipohyperplasia dolorosa (LiDo), is a painful condition affecting women, causing a disproportionate accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the extremities. It carries a lower risk of diabetes and cardio-metabolic dysfunctions compared to obesity, but coincident obesity can complicate diagnosis and treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 607 female LiDo patients, ≥ 18 years, stage 1-3, from Germany, the UK, and Spain. Data were collected as part of the standard initial assessment for LiDo patients. RESULTS: Based on waist-to-height-ratio (WHtR), 15.2% of patients were underweight, 45.5% normal weight, 22.1% overweight and 17.3% obese. There was a significant association between WHtR category and age group. Body mass index (BMI) is often overestimated, leading to misdiagnosis of obesity. CONCLUSIONS: The use of BMI also affects the recent decision of the German Federal Joint Committee on the reimbursement of liposuction costs by health insurance funds. Patients with BMI of more than 40 kg/m2 are excluded from cost coverage, and those with BMI between 35 kg/m2 and 40 kg/m2 must first receive conservative obesity therapy. In conclusion, the sole use of BMI in lipedema is unreliable and, in contrast to WHtR, leads to inaccurate diagnoses overestimating overweight and obesity.
This S2k guideline was developed on the initiative and under the German Society of Phlebology and Lymphology (DGPL) leadership. The guideline aims to optimize the diagnosis and treatment of lipedema. It is intended to bring together the different approaches of the respective professional groups in a consensus-based manner and thus offer a basic concept for the best possible treatment of patients with lipedema. Sixty recommendations were formulated and agreed on in diagnostics, conservative and surgical treatment options, psychosocial factors and self-management. The guideline is intended to reflect the current scientific knowledge and be widely used for diagnosis and treatment recommendations for patients with lipedema. In particular, the guideline comments on diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, and coinciding clinical pictures, their influence on diagnosis and treatment, sensible treatment measures, and self-management options. The lipedema guideline summarizes the current national and international evidence and the German expert consensus and derives recommendations for the best treatment for patients with lipedema. The recommendations in the guideline are intended as an orientation aid in the sense of action and decision-making corridors from which deviations are possible in justified cases.
- Lipedema (5)
- Open Access (1)
- Original studies and data (2)
Resource type
- Journal Article (5)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2005 (1)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (2)
Between 2000 and 2009
- Open Access (1)